不同土壤埋藏深度下山杏(Prunus armeniaca)种子的萌发和幼苗发育(英文)

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:miaoyuan3660346
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为探明土壤埋藏深度对山杏种子萌发、幼苗发育的影响,选择完好山杏种子,模拟野外条件下啮齿动物对种子的分散埋藏方式,将种子分别埋藏于土壤的0cm、4cm、8cm、12cm共4个深度。结果表明:(1)萌发的种子数量和幼苗建成数量在4cm埋藏组最高;随种子埋藏深度增加,萌发的种子萌发率、幼苗建成率均趋于减少;(2)在较深的埋藏组,霉烂的种子数增加;(3)将种子置于土壤表面(0cm埋藏组),不利于种子的萌发;(4)埋藏深度对幼苗的发育有显著影响。本研究结果显示,适度埋藏有利于山杏种子的萌发和幼苗生长,由浅埋种子(4cm)所建成的幼苗在早期发育阶段具有一定优势。 In order to explore the effect of soil burial depth on the seed germination and seedling development of apricot, we chose the perfect apricot seeds to simulate the distributed burial of rodents in the field under the conditions of 0 cm, 4cm, 8cm and 12cm A total of 4 depths. The results showed that: (1) The number of seeds germinated and the number of seedlings formed were the highest in the 4cm burial group. The seed germination rate and seedling establishment rate decreased with the seed burial depth increasing. (2) In the deeper burial group, (3) the seeds were placed on the soil surface (0cm buried group), which is not conducive to the germination of the seeds; (4) The burial depth had a significant effect on the seedling development. The results showed that proper burial was beneficial to the seed germination and seedling growth of the apricot seedlings. The seedlings formed by the shallow seeds (4 cm) had some advantages in the early development stage.
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介绍了应用GIS技术进行煤矿底板突水预测的方法和步骤,建立了峰峰二矿小青煤开采底板突水模式,并利用分区阈值对其突水危险性进行了分区和预报 The method and procedure for for
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