Experimental study on ceramic membrane technology for onboard oxygen generation

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boyskys
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The ceramic membrane oxygen generation technology has advantages of high concentration of produced oxygen and potential nuclear and biochemical protection capability. The present paper studies the ceramic membrane technology for onboard oxygen generation. Comparisons are made to have knowledge of the effects of two kinds of ceramic membrane separation technologies on oxygen generation, namely electricity driven ceramic membrane separation oxygen generation technology(EDCMSOGT) and pressure driven ceramic membrane separation oxygen generation technology(PDCMSOGT). Experiments were conducted under different temperatures, pressures of feed air and produced oxygen flow rates. On the basis of these experiments, the flow rate of feed air, electric power provided, oxygen recovery rate and concentration of produced oxygen are compared under each working condition. It is concluded that the EDCMSOGT is the oxygen generation means more suitable for onboard conditions. The ceramic membrane oxygen generation technology has advantages of high concentration of produced oxygen and potential nuclear and biochemical protection capability. The present paper studies the ceramic membrane technology for onboard oxygen generation. Comparisons are made to have knowledge of the effects of two kinds of ceramic membrane separation technologies on oxygen generation, for electricity driven ceramic membrane separation oxygen generation technology (EDCMSOGT) and pressure driven ceramic membrane separation oxygen generation technology (PDCMSOGT). Experiments were conducted under different temperatures, pressures of feed air and produced oxygen flow rates. basis of these experiments, the flow rate of feed air, electric power provided, oxygen recovery rate and concentration of produced oxygen are compared under each working condition. It is concluded that the EDCMSOGT is the oxygen generation means more suitable for onboard conditions.
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4月15日,《人民日报》刊发了温家宝总理署名文章《再回兴义忆耀邦》,文章以朴实的语言回忆了温总理24年前和耀邦同志在贵州考察调研时的整个过程,真实再现了耀邦同志当年带领中央机关干部坚持实事求是,深入基层一线掌握第一手材料的情景。读罢全文,让人起敬,让人感动,让人深思。  总理的文章中说“基层调研,不仅可以形成一种好的风气,产生巨大的精神力量,更重要的是有助于实现正确的领导,减少领导工作的失误,提高