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省民盟向今年省政协八届三次会议共提交大会发言材料8篇、提案53件,其中盟省委的集体提案15件,占本次大会集体提案总数的13.04%,其中有两件被列为今年省政协主席督办的重点提案。省委、省政府领导对省民盟的政协大会发言及时作了批示。如盟省委在大会上作了题为《以质量农业为指导,推进农业产业结构调整》的发言后,副省长姜永荣当即批示:“这一建议,对省级政府搞好农业结构调整很有帮助。发展质量农业,既是农业产业升级的内在要求,也是市场农业、现代农业的基本特征,应花全力扎扎实实地抓好这件事。省政府农口各部门应按省委6号文件的要求,着重在发展质量农业的技术支撑体系、产品质量监督保障体系方面加以调研、规划。此事请计经委牵头,技术监督局、农林厅参与,尽快提出具体方案。”随后,省农林厅发文作了详尽的答复,既详述了近几年来我省在积极调整农业产业结构,加快发展质量效益型农业方面所做的 Provincial Democratic League this year, the provincial eighth CPPCC National Committee held a total of eight eighth session of the speech materials, 53 proposals, including the League of Provincial Party Committee’s collective proposal of 15, representing the General Assembly of the collective proposal of 13.04% of the total, of which two were listed This year’s provincial CPPCC chairman to supervise the key proposals. The provincial party committee and provincial government leaders made speeches promptly in a speech made by the provincial committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. As the provincial party committee made a speech entitled “Guided by Quality Agriculture to Promote the Adjustment of Agricultural Industrial Structure”, Vice Governor Jiang Yongrong immediately instructed: “This proposal is of great help to the provincial government in carrying out agricultural restructuring Very helpful.Development of quality agriculture is not only an inherent requirement for the upgrading of agricultural industry, but also the basic characteristics of market agriculture and modern agriculture, and should do a good job in a down-to-earth manner.All the departments of the provincial government should follow the guidance of the provincial government on the 6th Document requirements, focusing on the development of quality agricultural support system of technology, product quality supervision and protection system to be investigated and planned .This matter, the Commission led by the Economic Commission, the Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry, to participate in as soon as possible to propose specific programs. ”" Subsequently, the provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office made a detailed reply to the paper, both detailed in recent years, our province in actively adjusting the agricultural industry structure, speeding up the development of quality and efficiency of agriculture
我们必须正确认识本民族的优良传统,这是继续前进的内在根据。如果否认本民族的优良传统,把过去的历史都看成一团糟,那也就失去了前进的基础,今后的发展将 We must correctl
今年《电信条例》已经颁布5周年,而从日前的国庆节开始, “上限管制”的改革政策也已正式实施。一时之间,电信资费问题成为业界舆论的焦点和各种疑虑的发源。有人认为此举等