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东北林区,现有运材汽车三千二百二十三辆。其中,进口重型柴油汽车一千二百八十九辆,解放牌汽车一千九百三十四辆。在进口汽车中,T—148汽车四百六十二辆,T—138汽车四百三十二辆,LT—110汽车三百九十五辆。这三种机型汽车是东北林区木材运输的主要设备,年承担运材任务一千一百万立米左右,占汽运任务的百分之七十。近两年,在抓纲治国战略决策指引下,在使用管理方面有所加强。但是,由于林彪、“四人帮”极左路线的干扰破坏,以及管理不善、配件供应不足,当前在使用管理方面存在着状态破损、效率低、消耗高等严重失调现象。 Northeast Forest, the existing transport vehicles 3223 vehicles. Among them, 1,289 were imported heavy-duty diesel vehicles and 1,934 were Jiefangpai vehicles. Among the imported cars, there are 462 T-148 vehicles, 342 T-138 cars and 359 LT-110 cars. These three types of vehicles are the major equipment for timber transportation in the northeastern region and bear about 11 million cubic meters of timber transportation duties each year, accounting for 70% of the tasks of the gas transportation industry. In the past two years, under the guidance of the strategic policy of grasping the country by state and state, there has been some improvement in the use of management. However, due to the interference and destruction caused by the ultra-Left line of Lin Biao and the “gang of four,” as well as inadequate management and inadequate supply of spare parts, there is a serious imbalance in the use and management of state damage, inefficiency and high consumption.
The Tongbai orogenic belt (TOB) is composed of six tectonic units. From south to north these units are: Tongbai gneiss rise (TGR); Hongyihe-Luozhuang eclogite b
1 前言 根据省厅及本处工程管理的要求,我们研制了DWCK-Ⅰ型大型水闸微机自动测控系统。投入本系统后,不仅可以提高水闸安全运行水平,而且对提高水闸排灌效益、保障通航安全
德国著名剧作家费希特去世后葬礼十分隆重,可是墓碑上只刻了两个字:“剧终”。表述 After the death of the famous German playwright Fichte, the funeral was very gran
对于子宫内膜癌 ,经腹全子宫及双侧附件切除术仍然是首选治疗方法 ,根据疾病分期决定是否行广泛子宫切除及盆腔和腹主动脉旁淋巴结清扫术。该术式范围广 ,对患者创伤大 ,术后
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Prof.Mingyu Deng,M.D.is an international outstanding expertof Psychosomatic Medicine and sexology.He was bornto September 1 95 5 in Chongqing City in China,and