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分析宿迁市的状况,影响经济欠发达地区经济发展的主要因素在于科技进步对经济增长的贡献率小,科技投入少,科技产出低,科技人才缺乏,产学研合作程度不高等。欠发达地区要实现后发快进、跨越发展,加快科技创新是关键。要突出企业的主体地位,加快构建产学研紧密结合的区域创新体系;突出引进消化吸收再创新,加快建立健全科技创新体系;突出产业升级,加快运用高新技术改造传统产业的步伐;突出人才引进,加快建设高素质的科技人才队伍,不断提高科技创新能力。 The main factors that influence the economic development in the economically underdeveloped areas include the small contribution rate of science and technology to economic growth, the small investment in science and technology, the low output of science and technology, the scarcity of scientific and technological talents, and the low level of cooperation among industry, universities and research institutes. In the underdeveloped areas, it is crucial to achieve rapid development after the start of the development, leapfrog development and speed up scientific and technological innovation. It is necessary to give prominence to the dominant position of enterprises and to speed up the construction of a regional innovation system closely integrated with production, education and research. Highlight the introduction of digestion, absorption and innovation, accelerate the establishment and improvement of a scientific and technological innovation system, highlight the industrial upgrading, speed up the use of high technology to transform traditional industries, Accelerate the building of high-quality scientific and technological personnel, and constantly improve the ability of scientific and technological innovation.
毛毛虫可以变成蝴蝶所有女孩都可以变得漂亮小孩儿也可以写出美丽而有深意的童话我们谁也不要怀疑自己要相信很多美丽的童话 Caterpillars can become a butterfly All girl
甲状腺 Hürthel细胞瘤很少见 ,我院共收治甲状腺疾病 1131例 ,其中只有 2例 Hürthel细胞肿瘤。此 2例皆以结节性甲状腺肿而入院 ,1例结节直径约 2 cm大小 ,仅做了结节及带
本工坊参考近年高考试卷的难度,结合新课程要求,设立了三个星宫,星级越高,其中的题目难度越大.顺利通关后,你就能成为相应的星级“工人”.还等什么呢?快来一展身手吧! The w