规划战略发展 落实经营目标——记中国空分公司战略研讨会和2010年经营工作会

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前言:为规划公司战略发展,落实年度经营目标,3月8日至9日,公司在浙江南国大酒店召开了2011—2013年战略研讨会和2010年经营工作会。公司在杭全体中层及以上干部参加了会议,中国浦发机械工业股份有限公司副总经理张素刚应邀莅临了会议。 Preface: In order to plan the strategic development of the Company and implement the annual business objectives, from March 8 to March 9, the Company held the 2011-2013 Strategic Seminar and the 2010 Business Working Conference in Zhejiang Nanguo Hotel. The company attended the meeting of all the cadres in middle level and above in Hangzhou, and Zhang Sugang, deputy general manager of China Pudong Development Machinery Industrial Co., Ltd., was invited to attend the conference.
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