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主持人话语: 在党的十五届五中全会所通过的“十五”规划的建议中,第一次将发展文化产业,完善文化产业政策写入了国家发展的大政方针。这就要求我们从全球化背景下思考中国参与国际竞争的战略高度,进一步认识文化的多重属性和功能,特别是认识它的产业属性和产业功能,把文化产业作为增强我国综合竞争力的重要方面来抓好。 在21世纪,中国的综合竞争力将是经济实力、科技实力、文化实力的综合。而文化发展力也是一个综合的概念,它既有公益形态的文化,也包括了产业形态的文化,生产并提供具有文化内涵的商品和服务,为社会创造文化财富和商业利润。有鉴于此,本刊邀请了对这个问题有一定研究的专家和学者,从不同的角度剖析大量新鲜的材料,并对我国21世纪文化产业的发展提出了对策性的思考,以期引起进一步的探索,给新世纪的中国文化建设送去一股和煦的暖风。——主持人:任建英 Moderator: In the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” adopted by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, the first proposal of developing cultural industries and improving cultural industry policies has been written into the major policy of national development. This requires us to think about China’s strategic position in international competition from the background of globalization, to further understand the multiple attributes and functions of culture, especially its industrial attributes and industrial functions, and take the cultural industries as an important aspect of enhancing China’s overall competitiveness Do a good job. In the 21st century, China’s comprehensive competitiveness will be a combination of economic strength, scientific and technological strength and cultural strength. The cultural development force is also an integrated concept. It includes not only the culture of public welfare but also the culture of industrial forms, the production and supply of cultural goods and services, and the creation of cultural wealth and commercial profits for the society. In view of this, we invited experts and scholars who have some research on this issue to analyze a large amount of fresh materials from different perspectives, and put forward some countermeasures to the development of China’s cultural industry in the 21st century with a view to arousing further exploration , Sending a warm warmth to the Chinese cultural construction in the new century. - Moderator: Ren Jianying
1992年,四川成都市老邓搬进单位分的一套住房。次年,老刘搬到老邓楼上,装修时将厕所的蹲坑改为坐便器。不久,老邓发现自家卫生间漏水, 他怀疑是因为老刘改厕引起 In 1992, C
一月的天空是湛蓝的,空气是清纯的,太阳爬上狱园槐树的枝梢,阳光照在服刑者的脸颊上,每一名女监服刑人员的心中都涌动着一股暖流,足 January sky is blue, the air is pure,
各市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 《山东省法律援助条例》、《山东省省级预算审查监督条例》、《山东省体育市场管理条
代主任、副主任、秘书长、各位委员:  现在,我代表省高级人民法院,向省人大常委会报告全省法院落实“三项承诺”的情况,请予审议。  去年1月,我院在省十届人大四次会议上作出“努力做到不使有诉求的群众因经济困难打不起官司,不使有理有据的当事人因没有关系打不赢官司,不使胜诉当事人的合法权益因执行不力、不公得不到保护”的“三项承诺”。会后,在深入调研的基础上制定了《关于落实“三项承诺”的实施意见》,提出5