
来源 :黑龙江园艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:canble_dut
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长春市郊区果树场,在苹果密植丰产经验的启示下,于一九七五年春时葡萄进行了密植栽培试验。实验地面积为二十七亩,地势平坦,土质为黑黄粘土,地下水位较低,品种是用贝达砧木嫁接当地推广的罗也尔、黑莲子做主栽品种,尼加拉为授粉树,栽植方式为平栽。栽植的距离是株距为一米,行距为五米,每亩定植133株(比6.8米稀植的行距分别增加22和50株)。采用二米高水平棚篱架式,运用三主蔓扇形整枝,长、中、短梢综合修剪,双枝更新的修剪方法。在建园和管理过程中,由于实地做到了深翻改土、合理密植、栽植壮苗,增施基肥,合理灌水,夏剪跟上,秋剪长放,宽厚埋土等项措施。从而获得了二年见果,三年亩产660斤,四年丰产(亩产1,400斤),接近成令葡萄单产,六年高产(亩产2,590 On the outskirts of Changchun City, fruit tree farm, inspired by the experience of close planting and planting of apples, the grapes were intensively cultivated in the spring of 1975. Experimental area of ​​27 acres, flat terrain, soil is black and yellow clay, groundwater level is lower, the species is the use of Beida rootstocks to promote local promotion Rolle, black lotus seed do varieties, Niagara as pollination tree, Planted for the flat planted. Planting distance is one meter spacing, row spacing of five meters, planting 133 acres per acre (more than 6.8 m sparsely planted row spacing increased by 22 and 50 strains). The use of two-meter-high level shed frame, the use of three main branches of the fan-shaped pruning, long, medium and short shoots comprehensive pruning, trimming updated trimming methods. In the construction of park and management process, because the field has done a deep change in soil, close planting, planting strong seedlings, increase base fertilizer, irrigation, summer to keep up, cut long and thick, buried generous measures. As a result, it gained two years of fruitfulness, with a yield of 660 jin in three years and a four-year high yield (1,400 jin per mu). As a result, grapes yield was close to six years with a yield of 2,590 mu
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《植物》杂志从今年初开始,开展了关于我国国花的讨论。编者在今年第一期为这个讨论而作的按语中指出:“为了鼓舞人民爱祖国、爱家乡、爱护自然资源,认真搞好绿 From the b