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凌鼎年,“老三届”毕业生,这位曾在微山湖畔的煤矿“摔打过青春”的江苏太仓人,是明代文学家凌濛初的后裔,属书香门第。他对太仓的历史颇有研究,太仓的民俗民风、名胜古迹、历史人物,可说了如指掌,被誉为“太仓通”,他也是太仓文化的积极挖掘者、宣传者、保护者。近年来,他在发表600多万字文学作品的同时,又先后撰写、编著出版了《江苏太仓旅游》《太仓近当代名人》两本书,成为了解太仓、认识太仓的重要著作,让人读后对太仓刮目相看,肃然起敬。在一个风和日丽的上午,我们与这位满腹经纶的智者促膝而坐,侃侃而谈。凌鼎年几乎三句话不离本行,主题就是娄东文化。不管过去还是未来,不管是太仓人还是外乡人,娄东文化都是一笔让我们回味无穷、取之不尽的宝贵财富。太仓的未来离不开这笔财富,太仓的未来可能就决定于这笔财富。 Lingding years, “the third” graduates, who worked in Weishan Lake coal mine “beaten youth” Jiangsu Taicang people, is a descendant of Ming Dynasty writer Ling Mengchu, is a scholarly. He studied the history of Taicang quite well. Taicang's folk customs, historical sites and historical figures are well known and known as “Taicang Pass”. He is also an active digger, propagandist and protector of Taicang culture. In recent years, he published more than 6 million literary works of literary works at the same time, has written, compiled and published “Jiangsu Taicang Tourism” “Taicang recent contemporary celebrities” two books, to become aware of Taicang, Taicang important book, let people read Taicang scrutinizing, awe-inspiring. On a sunny morning, we chatted with this wise man who was full of economy. Ling Ding almost three words from the Bank, the theme is Lou East culture. Regardless of the past or the future, whether it is Taicang people or outsiders, Lou East culture is a memorable, inexhaustible treasure. The future of Taicang can not be separated from this wealth. The future of Taicang may depend on this wealth.
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