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2012年,上海市少先队工作迎来了新的春天,少先队活动课以课程的形式进入课表,我们基层少先队工作开始了新的篇章。以此为契机,我开始思考:如何通过少先队活动课,深入挖掘红领巾小社团中陶艺、扎染、书法、民乐等传统艺术的美,从而激发队员在传承传统艺术的同时,提高发现美、欣赏美和创造美的能力。一、雏鹰假日小队活动追溯传统艺术美1、自动化的快乐活动——队员为了进一步了解、认识传统艺术,为少先 In 2012, the Young Pioneers work in Shanghai ushered in a new spring. Young Pioneers Activity Class entered the curriculum in the form of a course. Our grassroots young pioneers started a new chapter in their work. Taking this as an opportunity, I started to think about how to tap into the beauty of traditional arts such as pottery, tie-dye, calligraphy and folk music in the small red-scarf community through the Young Pioneers Activity Class so as to inspire team members to improve their discovery and appreciation of beauty while continuing to pass on traditional arts. Beauty and the ability to create beauty. First, the Eagles holiday team activities traced the traditional art of beauty 1, the automation of the happy activities - players in order to further understand and understand the traditional arts,
感恩教育是培养孩子责任感的基础,让他们学会感恩,才能爱家庭、爱学校、爱社会。 Thanksgiving education is the basis for cultivating children’s sense of responsibil
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这个夏天有一半日子是暴雨,往往半夜下起来,到早上也就停了。看路道、草木、瓦片和玻璃窗上无不湿漉漉的,太阳照例升起、蒸腾,醒过来的白日更为干亢燠闷,懒散得视一举一动为畏途,辄僵于屋中,以无聊之事消遣。读旧书是其中一项,但凡掀开书页,每与往昔的自我相逢,须思忖良久,才恍然记起那书中怎么会有自己。  木心一生绘画、作文,讲经一般谈他的文学理想,仿佛都在晚晴之后。但留予我的且又耳熟能详的偏是一则取名《从前
Sinhwa(神话组合),the idol band with the longest history in South Korea,held its farewell concert in Shanghai,for some of the members will have to serve in the a