
来源 :招标采购管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:owennb1
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本刊讯近期,国家发展改革委下发通知,发布《招标师注册执业管理办法》(简称《办法》)。通知提出国家发展改革委将会同有关部门加强招标投标行业能力建设,积极发挥行业组织作用,推动完善行业自律机制,逐步实现招标师从注册执业到自律管理。《办法》指出,依据原人事部、国家发展改革委印发的《招标采购专业技术人员职业水平评价暂行规定》和《招标师职业水平考试实施办法》要求,通过考试取得《中华人民共和国招标师职业水平证书》的人员,视同具有招标师职业资格,应当按照《办法》要求申请注册执业。国家发展改革委负责对全国招标师的注册、执业活动和继续教育实施统一监督管理。各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府发展改革部门负责本行政区域内招标师资格注册的初步审查,并对招标师执业活动实施具体监督管理。招标投标行业协会应当加强招标师自律管理, News recently, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a notice, issued a “tendering division registration practice management approach” (referred to as “approach”). The circular proposes that the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), in conjunction with relevant departments, enhance the capacity building of the bid invitation and bidding industry, give full play to the role of the industry organization, promote the self-discipline mechanism of the industry, and gradually realize the tendering division’s practice from registration to self-regulation. According to the Measures, according to the requirements of the Provisional Regulations on Professional Evaluation of Professional Bidders for Bidding and Purchasing and the Measures for the Implementation of the Examination of Professional Standards for Tendering Officers issued by the former Ministry of Personnel and the National Development and Reform Commission, the examination has obtained the title of “Tendering Profession of the People’s Republic of China Level certificate ”personnel, as a tender with the professional qualifications, should be in accordance with the“ Measures ”to apply for registration practice. National Development and Reform Commission is responsible for the national bidding division registration, practice activities and continuing education to implement unified supervision and management. The development and reform departments of the people’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for the preliminary examination of the registration of tenderers in their respective administrative regions and the specific supervision and administration of the practice of tenderers. Bidding Industry Association shall strengthen the self-management of the tender,
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南岭国家森林公园位于乳源瑶族自治县与湖南省交界地带。南岭的美像诗,多姿多彩,神秘莫测如她,简单纯净亦如她。 Nanling National Forest Park is located in the junction
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8月23日 晴    今天是2061年的新年第一天。如今的科学技术在各个领域都取得长足进展,就如同时间光轮在飞跃。  大清早,我的个人小发明“百分百”闹钟把我吵醒。我睁开眼一瞧,银河淡淡的纱衣还笼罩着天空,到处静悄悄的。“百分百,你在搞什么,天都没亮!”  百分百委屈地说:“小主人,今天你不是要在云朵上看日出吗?”“唉,看我这记性,今天有日食,很早就计划今天要利用云朵制造机造一幢绿色,环保,节能的
8月9日 晴    我乃是大名鼎鼎的沙门氏菌。大家都知道,我是食物中毒中最常见的一种。  有一次,我正躺在马路边的灰尘上睡觉,忽然闻到一股香味。睁眼一看,啊哈!一个小贩正推着一辆手推车向我走来,车上的一个个盆子里放着许多烤鸭,上面没什么遮挡,这不免给我提供了许多方便。碰巧又来了一阵风,我急忙纵身一越,随着风势成功地落在了烤鸭上。太棒了!我立即趴在那儿大口吃起来。喔,对了!刚才忘了告诉你,我们细菌繁