Evaluation of some Newly Developed Diploid Hybrids and their Breeding Value in 4x-2x Crosses

来源 :Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hc_z
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The narrow genetic base in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) limits the progress in cultivar development.The rich diploid germplasm in the origin center of potato provide a unique resource for improvement of tetraploid potatoes.Seven newly developed diploid hybrids with 2n pollen production,all of which have S. phureja background,were developed and evaluated for their value in potato breeding.They were crossed as male parnets to six tetraploid Solanum tuberosum cultivars,and seeds in large quantity from eleven crosses were obtained.Main agronomic traits,such as tuber yield,tuber number,mean tuber weight,tuber shape,eye depth,skin smoothness,flesh color,and specific gravity,were measured for 4x 2x tetraploid progenies in seedling generation,and their parents as well.All of the diploid hybrids had some merit for specific traits and the DH39 was more promising;high specific gravity trait in some diploid hybrids was successfully introgressed into tetroploid progenies via 4x 2x crosses.These diploid hybrids have potential value in potato breeding. The narrow genetic base in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) limits the progress in cultivar development. The rich diploid germplasm in the origin center of potato provide a unique resource for improvement of tetraploid potatoes. Sevin newly developed diploid hybrids with 2n pollen production , all of which have S. phureja background, were developed and evaluated for their value in potato breeding. They were crossed by male parnets to six tetraploid Solanum tuberosum cultivars, and seeds in large quantity from eleven crosses were obtained. Main agronomic traits, such as tuber yield, tuber number, mean tuber weight, tuber shape, eye depth, skin smoothness, flesh color, and specific gravity, were measured for 4x 2x tetraploid progenies in seedling generation, and their parents as well. the diploid hybrids had some merit for specific traits and the DH39 was more promising; high specific gravity trait in some diploid hybrids was successfully introgressed into tetroploid progenies via 4x 2x crosses.These diploid hybrids have potential value in potato breeding.
隐性知识是企业形成核心竞争力的关键资源。对隐性知识的四种类型进行了分析,探讨了隐性知识共享模型,并提出了隐性知识共享的组织机制、沟通机制和团队运作机制。 Tacit kn
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