
来源 :贵州医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sun_sun
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目的筛选贵州民族中草药对HBsAg的作用。方法选取 2 11种贵州省民族中草药提取物分别与HBsAg 37℃作用 1小时 ,通过ELISA双抗体夹心法分别检测HBsAg与药物作用前后的含量 ,计算HBsAg经药物作用后下降的百分率 ,筛选出有效的药物。结果 2 11种药物中筛选出 2 4种药物有抗HBsAg作用 ,占总数的 11 4 %。结论贵州民族中草药中有部分药物对HBsAg的抑制作用。 Objective To screen the effect of Guizhou ethnic herbal medicine on HBsAg. Methods Two-hundred and seventy-one Guizhou ethnic Chinese herbal extracts were incubated with HBsAg at 37°C for 1 hour. The levels of HBsAg before and after treatment were measured by ELISA double antibody sandwich method. The percentage of HBsAg decreased after drug treatment was calculated, and effective screening was performed. drug. RESULTS: Of the 11 drugs, 24 anti-HBsAg agents were screened out, accounting for 11% of the total. Conclusion The inhibitory effect of some drugs on the HBsAg in Guizhou ethnic Chinese herbs.
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[本刊讯]由德中经济文化交流协会、《小演奏家》杂志主办的第三届2007舒曼杯国际青少年钢琴大赛亚太地区选拔赛, [Press Release] The 2007 2007 Schumann Cup Internationa
总结了玉米主要病虫害的症状、发病规律及其防治方法,以期为玉米病虫害防治提供参考。 Summarized the main pests and diseases of corn symptoms, pathogenesis and preve
莎拉的闺房看上去很像美国著名电视剧《绝命毒师》里的那个地下实验室。为了腾出空间,她把床进行了改造,上面睡觉,下面摆满了装着绿色液体的瓶瓶罐罐,她就在这样的环境里开始了研究——将海藻变成石油。每日,她不是在做实验,就是睡在充满海藻气息的梦里,坚信自己一定会把梦想变成现实。  而梦的源起要从莎拉13岁时说起。那时,她听到老师说:“藻类植物作为一种可迅速再生的资源,现今转化为生物燃料在技术上已成为可能,
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
《快乐东西》讲述的是老北京胡同里一家人的快乐故事。他们善良乐观,机智幽默;他们也遭遇挫折,但依旧欢乐;他们每天为鸡毛蒜皮的小事伤脑筋;他们依然乐呵呵地宽慰自己。 “H