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(1)我国伟大的社会主义的革命正在进入一个新的历史时期。通过最大众化的电影艺术,创造反映当前伟大的现实生活的电影文学剧本,向人民进行社会主义教育,是党和人民给予我们全国文艺工作者的光荣任务。为了广泛地吸引全国作家和文艺工作者写作电影剧本,中华人民共和国文化部和中国作家协会特在全国范围内联合征求电影文学剧本。(2)应征的电影文学剧本选材主要分为四个方面:1.我国人民在社会主义建设中的新生活;2.中国共产党所领导的各个历史时期的革命斗争;3.中国历史 (1) The great socialist revolution in our country is entering a new historical period. It is an honorable task for the party and the people to give our national literary and art workers the most task of creating the script of the movie and literature that reflects the present great real life and educating the people through the most popular film art. In order to attract a wide range of writers and writers and writers across the country to write screenplays, the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Writers’ Association of the People’s Republic of China jointly solicited film scripts throughout the country. (2) Candidate films The script selection is mainly divided into four aspects: 1. The new life of our people in the socialist construction; 2. The revolutionary struggles in various historic periods led by the Chinese Communist Party; 3. The history of China
新阶段经济社会发展的突出矛盾,都与政府转型滞后直接相关。没有政府转型的突破,改革难以深化,发展方式难以转型 “十二五规划纲要”正在抓紧制定,即将于今年秋季正式出台。
With few exceptions,the last words of history’s great players have been about as interesting and uplifing as a phone book ,We may expect pearls of profundity f
Traditionally,essay writing has been divided into the following patterns ofdevelopment: ●Description ●Narration ●Exposition Examples Comparison and contrast
我们两人担任了莫斯科电影制片厂的一个创作工作室的领导工作。我们的创作工作室包括四个青年电影导演、一个喜剧导演、两个电影剧作家和几个摄影师 We both headed the cre
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