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互联网金融将对传统金融在经营理念、金融基本制度、金融产品渠道和创新产生重要影响,加速“金融脱媒”进程。但其发展存在着信用评价和甄别能力较弱、风险和评估体系不健全等一系列问题。为此,传统金融一些制度平台和监管范围要向互联网金融延伸,建立互联网金融准入门槛、业务范围和业务准则,建立涵盖互联网金融在内的金融运行规则、监管体系和适当监管方式,构建金融机构信用评价公示和风险提示制度,提高互联网金融的技术安全等级,建立互联网金融的消费者保护体系。 Internet finance will have a significant impact on traditional finance in business philosophy, basic financial system, channels and innovation in financial products, and speed up the process of “financial disintermediation.” However, there are a series of problems in its development, such as weak credit rating and screening ability and unsound risk and evaluation system. To this end, some of the traditional financial system platforms and regulatory scope should extend to the Internet finance, establish the threshold of Internet finance access, scope of business and operational guidelines, the establishment of financial operations, including Internet finance rules, regulatory systems and appropriate regulatory approach to build finance Institutional credit rating publicity and risk alert system to improve the technical level of Internet finance security, the establishment of Internet finance consumer protection system.
Michael Gorman是美国当代著名的图书馆学家,在对其生平与学术生涯进行梳理的基础上,全面考察Michael Gorman关于新技术的图书馆学思想。主要包括:对新技术的态度、对传统图
文章分析了包头市小白河分洪工程的分洪等效益,对分洪工程的其它效益和建设难度进行了预测,提出了控制建设规模的建议。 This paper analyzes the benefit of flood diversi
文章以包头市实际情况为基础,重点探析该城市节约用水的管理方法。 Based on the actual situation of Baotou City, this article focuses on the management methods of w
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目的探讨急性脑梗死患者肺部感染发生率及肺部感染病原菌分布与耐药性,为临床诊治提供依据。方法回顾性分析医院2009年1月-2014年6月收治的1 462例急性脑梗死患者临床资料,调
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