办好《大社会》 促进大和谐

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《大社会》杂志诞生了!在构建小政府大社会的进程中,原《广东民政》杂志经国家新闻出版广电总局批准,正式更名为《大社会》杂志,可喜可贺!《大社会》是我省唯一面向全国公开发行的社会组织专业杂志,由广东省民政厅主管、广东省社会工作协会主办、广东省社会组织总会协办。《大社会》创刊伊始,立意高远,突出创新,注重特色,着眼服务,充满了生机活力,展现了广阔前景。——《大社会》以“大社会、大视野、大治理、大和谐”为办刊方针,走进大社会,开阔大视野,助力大治理,推进大和谐,体现了大气魄;——《大社会》以“促进社会治理创新、促进社会组织发展、促进社会和谐进步”为办刊宗 In the process of building a small government big society, the original “Guangdong Civil Affairs” magazine was approved by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television and officially changed its name to “Big Society” magazine. The only professional magazine for social organizations in China that is open to the public in China is sponsored by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, organized by the Guangdong Provincial Association of Social Work and co-organized by the Guangdong Federation of Social Organizations. At the very beginning of the publication of the “big society,” lofty ambitions, outstanding innovation, focus on features, focus on service, full of vitality, showing broad prospects. - The “big society” has adopted the principle of “big society, great vision, great governance and great harmony” as its policy for running its own country, entered a large society, broadened its horizons, promoted major governance and promoted grand harmony, - “Big Society” to “promote social governance innovation, promote the development of social organizations and promote social progress and harmony”
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