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形成牵引经济持续增长的大城市圈,是中国参与21世纪国际竞争,并获得经济社会持续发展的关键所在。当今中国能够真正参与国际竞争的地区,主要是长江三角洲、珠江三角洲和环渤海湾地区,更准确的说是这三个大都市圈。但是这三大都市圈在抓住机遇迎接挑战的同时,也面临着许多亟需解决的问题。其中,珠三角大都市圈存在的主要问题是城市分工不明确,产业结构雷同;外源型经济和内源型经济还没有形成合力;科研成果不突出,自主创新能力不强;人才储备不足,激励机制不够;都市圈内核心城市的功能作用发挥程度十分有限:腹地狭小,发展后劲不足等。珠三角大都圈要发展成为世界一流的都市圈,就必须在整合资源、完善功能、培养人才、体制机制创新等方面有新的举措。 The formation of a metropolitan area with sustained growth in the traction economy is the key to China's international competition in the 21st century and to its sustained economic and social development. Today China can really participate in international competition in the regions, mainly the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and the Bohai Bay region, more accurately, these three metropolitan areas. However, while these three metropolitan regions seize the opportunity to meet the challenges, they also face many problems that are in urgent need of solution. Among them, the main problems existing in the metropolitan area of ​​the Pearl River Delta are the unclear division of labor in cities and the similar industrial structure; the external economy and the endogenous economy have not yet formed a joint effort; the scientific research results are not outstanding and their capability of independent innovation is not strong; Incentive mechanism is not enough; metropolitan inner core city function of the role of play is very limited: the hinterland is small, lack of development potential and so on. In order to develop the metropolitan area of ​​the Pearl River Delta into a world-class metropolitan area, new initiatives must be taken in areas such as integrating resources, improving functions, training personnel, and innovating institutional mechanisms.
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