Recent Progress on the Fabrication of Ultrafine Polyamide-6 Based Nanofib ers Via Electro-spinning:A

来源 :Nano-Micro Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luohua0891
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Electrospinning is a highly versatile technique to prepare continuous fibers with diameters of the order of nanometers. The remarkable high aspect ratio and high porosity bring electrospun nanofibers highly attractive to various nanotechnological applications such as filtration membranes, protective clothing, drug delivery, tissue-engineering, biosensors, catalysis, fuel cells and so on. In this review, we collectively summarized the recent progress in developments of the electrospun ultrafine polyamide-6 based nanofibers preparation,characterization and their applications. Information of this polyamide-6 and composites together with their processing conditions for electrospinning of ultrafine nanofibers has been summarized in this review. The recent developments made during last few years on these materials are addressed in this review. We are anticipating that this review certainly drive the researchers for developing more intensive investigation for exploring in many technological areas. The remarkable high aspect ratio and high porosity bring electrospun nanofibers highly attractive to various nanotechnological applications such as filtration membranes, protective clothing, drug delivery, tissue-engineering, In this review, we collectively summarize the recent progress in the electrospun ultrafine polyamide-6 based nanofibers preparation, characterization and their applications. Information of this polyamide-6 and composites together with their processing conditions for electrospinning of ultrafine nanofibers has been summarized in this review. The recent developments made during last few years on these materials are addressed in this review. We are anticipating that this review certainly drive the researchers for developing more intensive investigation for exploring in many technological a reas.
【摘 要】现阶段,大气环境已经逐渐的成为了世界性的污染难题,而我国则是有着严重大气污染问题的国家,空气中的二氧化氮和二氧化硫成分超标,在很大程度上增加了光化学烟雾、酸雾及酸雨的形成几率,工厂超标排放有害物质以及汽车尾气排放等,均是主要的大气污染来源。我国绝大多数的城市基本上均遭受过酸雨的侵害,许多城市几乎都面临着不同程度的大气环境问题。因此,如何有效且实时的监测环境变化、环境质量,进而将环境执法力
【摘 要】采用合适的技术对软土地基进行处理是水利工程施工的一项很重要的工作,它关系到整个工程地基的稳定性,而且对于减少水利工程施工后不均匀塌陷问题的发生也有重要的作用。本文重点探讨了常用的软土地基处理技术在水利施工中发挥的作用,并对这些技术的应用提出了注意事项,希望对水利施工中的软土地基处理工作有所帮助。  【关键词】软土地基 处理技术 水利施工  一、引言  软土地基由于其比较弱的承载能力,使得
目的 观察在二乙基亚硝胺(DEN)诱发大鼠肝癌过程中大鼠脾脏巨噬细胞(Mω)结构与功能的变化.方法 将SD大鼠50只随机分为正常对照组10只和实验组40只.实验组按DEN腹腔注射加慢性间断自由饮用DEN水溶液的方法制备肝癌肺转移模型,分别在造模的第8、13、16周随机处死大鼠.根据病理结果依次归为为肝硬化组(10只)、肝癌未转移组(10只)、肝癌转移组(10只).应用透射电镜观察各组大鼠脾脏Mω超