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随着商业企业竞争的日益加剧 ,自有品牌将成为竞争取胜的战略选择。目前我国商业企业自有品牌战略实施存在着一定的障碍 ,没有充分显示自有品牌的竞争优势。扩大商业企业规模、选择恰当的商品项目、加强自有品牌质量监控和营销推广是实施这一战略的关键。 With the increasing competition in commercial enterprises, private label will become a strategic choice to win the competition. At present, China’s commercial enterprises own brand strategy implementation there are some obstacles, did not fully demonstrate its own brand’s competitive advantage. Expanding the scale of commercial enterprises, selecting appropriate commodity projects, and strengthening the quality control and marketing of own brands are the keys to implementing this strategy.
Primary low-grade B-cell lymphomas of the skin are separated into marginal zone and follicle center lymphomas according to the recent World Health Organization-
例1男性,52岁.因咳嗽,少痰,偶有痰中带血1个月,在当地行胸部X线摄片检查发现右侧肺门上方肿块影,为进一步检查治疗于2005年3月1日住院.发病后体重无明显变化.吸烟史20年,1包/日.查体:体温36.9℃,血压113/49 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa).一般情况可,双侧锁骨上淋巴结未触及.心肺(-).肝脾未触及.胸部X线照片示右肺门上方、气管下端右侧一肿块影.胸部CT增强扫
Four months after the Wenchuan M_s 8 earthquake in western Sichuan,China,in situ stress measurements were carried out along the Longmenshan fault zone with the
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The earthquake-triggered landslides and slope failures are common phenomena during strong earthquakes and have drawn more attention from the world because of se