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  Jacqueline: Hello! My name is Jacqueline and I am working as HR manager for a not-for-profit organisation and this organisation has a focus on education and arts.
  Interviewer: Can you tell us about one interview candidate who impressed you and why?
  Jacqueline: I just had an interview yesterday morning with a candidate, Malaysian-Chinese, male, and I was really impressed by him. He interviewed for an 1)audit position and he was very sincere. He was very open about his motivation about his goals in life with his career. And ①he had a very down-to-earth approach which really always impresses me.
  Interviewer: Can you tell us about one interview candidate who messed up? What could they have done differently?
  Jacqueline: Yes, that happens, obviously also as well that some candidates don’t always perform very well. Maybe in general I can say that candidates who come in and they do not know exactly what job they are applying for. So that they or they haven’t done the background checking on the organisation they want to work with so they haven’t bothered to check the website of the company or read some additional material. ②So that’s not something that I’m impressed with. So if they—for example—come in, “So what is the...the job description look like,” “What does your company do?” ... Unfortunately those things happen all too often. And when we advertise we always put the job...a copy of the job description and also the link to our company with the job 2)advert. So I expect a candidate who has been 3)short-listed and invited to an interview—so they always have time between being invited and the actual interview—to prepare themselves.
  Interviewer: What things generally are you looking for from an interview candidate apart from the obvious?
  Jacqueline: I’m looking for someone who is—except of having the skill, the educational background that is necessary and the professional experience that is necessary for a particular post—I look for someone who is a team player, for someone who is really determined, for someone who is motivated, and someone who is honest, honest and solid personality. And…um…someone who is open, who manages to express him or herself well.
  Interviewer: What are some definite things not to do in the interview?
  Jacqueline: I think it is...there are different areas. One thing is the appearance. The other thing is your posture. And then a third area is what you say.
  If we start with the appearance...I think it’s always good not to dress up too much...um…not to put on too much colour on or…um…or makeup because this distracts from actually the person so I think that’s not a very good thing to do to sort of dress up too much.
  And in terms of posture, the body...obviously there is what you say but there’s also the body language. So if someone sits here with the legs crossed three times and the arms crossed...um…that’s a very sort of defensive approach and I think the interviewers might not appreciate that too much. On the other hand if someone is too relaxed, and sort of 4)slopping back in the chair and leaning with one hand on the table, that’s also not very good. So I think it’s...in terms of posture, it’s good to come in, greet the people in the room, introduce him or herself and then sit down and….um…sort of maybe have both feet on the ground, maybe the hands on the table or in...in your lap, and ③not playing around with a cell phone or with a pen. There’s...the other thing also good to…to shut down or shut off all electronic devices so that you don’t receive your texts or your calls during the interview. That can be very distracting.
  ④Then in terms of what you say, I think it’s good to listen well to the…um…to the questions, to be also prepared in advance, and to prepare some questions to ask after the interview. So if you really have an interest in the company, so that you...that you have some valid questions coming up.
  Interviewer: Interviewees are often asked to talk about their strengths and weaknesses. What’s the best way to talk about your weaknesses?
  Jacqueline: I think it’s always a good thing to give an example. Everyone knows sort of the answer that “I’m too impatient” or “I’m too eager” “I’m too competitive”—these are sort of the standard answers people give so I think it’s maybe a good thing to give an example of a weakness when one can describe a situation in his current job. And be honest. I think everyone has a weakness and I also don’t think that the interviewers nowadays are focusing too much on those areas. So if you can come up with a (an) honest answer and a…if you can describe a situation from your daily life, I think that will...that will be good.
  主持人: 有什么是我们在面试时绝对不能做的呢?
  杰奎琳: 我觉得……有几个不同的方面吧,一是仪容仪表,另一方面是动作姿势,还有就是言谈上的表现。
  Smart Sentences
  ① He had a very down-to-earth approach which really always impresses me. 他给人一种十分脚踏实地的感觉,这是我一直很欣赏的处事态度。
  down-to-earth: practical, realistic (实际的,务实的)。例如:
  Now with the pressure of inflation, many down-to-earth companies are cautious on expansion.
  ② So that’s not something that I’m impressed with. 这不是会给我留下好印象的事情。
  that’s not something that…: an expression used to emphasize what’s to follow (用以强调接下来要说的内容)。例如:
  That’s not something I would spend a lot of money on.
  ③ …not playing around with a cell phone or with a pen. 不要摆弄自己的手机或者笔。
  play around with sth.: busy with sth., but not in a serious way(玩弄,玩耍)。 例如:
  Stop playing around with the button, or it’s going to fall off!
  ④ Then in terms of what you say… 至于言谈方面……
  in terms of: used to specify which aspect of sth. you want to discuss or consider(从……方面看)。例如:
  In terms of my starting salary, I’m flexible.
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