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采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法,研究了柑桔属4个种的6个品种,两个营养系芽变品系和1个杂交后代的成熟春梢的叶片酯酶同工酶酶谱和蛋白质电泳带型。根据酶谱及带型的异同,探讨其彼此的亲缘关系,鉴别芽变品系和杂种。结果表明,酯酶同工酶酶带清晰,种间酶带差异明显,种内不明显。蛋白质电泳带无拖尾现象,清晰而窄,种间和种内不同品种间谱带差异明显;芽变品系具有原品种所有带型,并出现新的谱带;种间杂种带型复杂,谱带条数多。不仅具有双亲所具有的谱带,又不完全表现为两亲本谱带的互补型,亲本所具有的个别谱带在子代中消失,而且出现了双亲所不具有的杂种谱带。柑桔叶片酯酶同工酶分析,可作为探测基因差异和遗传关系的一种手段,其酶谱可作为鉴别种以上遗传性状的指标,叶片蛋白质电泳,可用来进行种或品种区分,有效地鉴别芽变品系和杂种 Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to study the changes of esterase isozymes and protein electrophoresis in six varieties of four species of citrus, two vegetative lines and one of the hybrids Belt type. According to the similarities and differences of zymogram and banding patterns, the relationship between them was explored, and the strains and hybrids of budding mutants were identified. The results showed that the esterase isozymes with a clear band, significant differences between species of enzyme, species is not obvious. There was no trailing phenomenon in the protein electrophoresis bands, which was clear and narrow. The bands between different species within and between species were obviously different. The mutant strains had all the bands of the original species and appeared new bands. The interspecific hybrid bands were complex, With a large number of strips. Not only has the parents have the band, but also does not fully show the amphiphilic complementarity of the band, the parent has the individual bands disappear in the offspring, but also appeared in the parents do not have the hybrid bands. The analysis of esterase isozymes in leaves of Citrus can be used as a means to detect the genetic difference and genetic relationship. The zymogram can be used as an index to identify the above genetic traits, and leaf protein electrophoresis can be used to distinguish species or breeds effectively Identify buds and hybrids
投资决策是一个关键时刻,错误的决策招致企业的失败,正确的决策才能赢得财富和辉煌 Investment decision-making is a crucial moment, the wrong decision leads to the fa
本文对1985年3月~1987年3月住院的87例 HBsAg 阴性的病毒性肝炎患者,经血清学排除法,确定其中20例为非甲非乙型病毒性肝炎(HNANB),进行了临床观察。大多数病例属急性黄疸型。
银华基金6月3日发布公告,旗下银华富裕主题基金实施成立以来第四次分红,每10份派发红利0.18元,权益登记日、除息日为6月2日,红利发放日为6月3日。据悉,在刚刚结束的第七届 Y
目的:回顾分析高危及复发急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL,急淋)患儿接受造血干细胞移植(SCT)的临床资料,探讨影响SCT临床疗效的相关因素. 方法:接受SCT的难治复发及高危急淋患儿34