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政治经济学源出哲学、政治学。这学科名的出现已近400年,其独立发展从亚当·斯密算起也已有200多年,历史悠久,且以辉煌光照古今。在社会科学中,她的参政度最高,可谓第一“高参”。可在当今中国已被一些人视如糟糠。这是崇高跌落低谷的悲哀。政治经济学舶来中国已有一百多年历史,但至今仍然是学生,模仿多,自创少。政治经济学本质上是一门历史科学,时效性、民族性强。政治经济学简称经济学,两名等同并用。过去政治经济学是正名本名通名,用的多,经济学用的少。政治经济学一方面早已成熟,褪净政治学的胎记;另一方面如今还是一切经济学科的母本,在她象石榴结子般不断繁衍众多部门经济学后自身却显得垂老了,因此主张让政治经济学本名退役二线,改用经济学为正名通名,原名仍可并用,但少用。这一改,可免除许多误解误用,意义非同小可。本文从政治经济学的始源到告别政治经济学共论述11个问题。 Political economy origin philosophy, political science. It has been nearly 400 years since its emergence. Its independent development has been more than 200 years since Adam Smith, with a long history and brilliant light. In the social sciences, she has the highest degree of political participation, which is the number one, “high participation.” In China today, it can be regarded by some as a mess. This is the tragedy of loftiness. Political economy has come to China for more than a hundred years, but it is still a student, imitating many and creating less. Political economy is essentially a historical science, timeliness, ethnic strong. Political economy referred to as economics, two equal and use. Political economy in the past is the real name of its own name, much use, less economics. Political economy, on the one hand, has long matured and faded away from the birthmark of political science. On the other hand, nowadays it is still the mother of all economic disciplines. However, after her multiplication of many departmental economics like a pomegranate, The name of political economy retired second-line, instead of economics for the real name, the original name can still be used, but less. This change can be used to eliminate many misunderstandings and misunderstandings. This article from the origin of political economy to bid farewell to political economics, a total of 11 issues discussed.
核心提示:自杀是最严重的心理疾病的表现和后果。世界卫生组织和国际预防自杀协会透露,全球每年约100万人自杀,比战 Core Tip: Suicide is the most serious manifestation
轻微悲伤:如果你想到了任何其他的相关词,忧郁、沮丧、失望,那也是对的。这个表情的显著特征是上眼睑下垂。有时候疲劳和 Slight grief: If you think of any other related
个案:乖巧女儿在学校屡屡和人动手  女儿小晔今年13岁,上初中一年级。从小到大,小晔一直是个乖巧听话的女孩,学习成绩也不错,老师和同学都很喜欢她。因为总听周围的朋友说他们的孩子在青春期发生这样那样的事,我和丈夫对小晔的教育一直小心谨慎,希望她能把精力集中在学习上,顺利度过青春期。  没想到,怕什么就来什么。刚刚开学两个多月,我和丈夫就被老师叫到了学校。当我听班主任说小晔和班上的一个男同学打架时,我
本文重新诠释了教学体系的概念,借上海金融学院大力进行数字化校园建设的时机,对经管类实践教学体系建设进行了有益地探索。 This article reinterprets the concept of tea