The Interacting Boson Model of Dipole—Octupole Strong Correlations in SU(3) Limit for Positive Parit

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Within the framework of the Usdpf(16) interacting boson model (IBM), the effects of strong correlations of the dipole (p--boson) and the octupole (f--boson) degree of freedom on the positive-parity states of even-even nuclei in SU(3) limit are discussed.
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作者单位:425008 湖南省永州职业技术学院医学院附属医院  通讯作者:杨鹍  【摘要】 目的 探讨大面积脑梗死的早期CT诊断的方法、效果及其应用价值。方法 选取本院2008年6月~2010年8月收治的大面积脑梗死患者80例,随机分为两组。对照组采取低场磁共振检查,试验组采取CT检查,对比观察两组病例的临床诊断效果。结果 试验组的阳性率为90.0%(36/40)明显高于对照组的67.5%(27/
We directly use the quantum-invariant operator method to obtain the closed-form solution to the one-dimensional Dirac equation with a time-changing mass with a