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国家在普通中学设置人民助学金的目的,主要是为了更好的贯彻为工农开门的教育方针,帮助工农子女解决入学的实际困难。几年来,根据执行情况来看,大多数学校在评审人民助学金时,由于对「向工农开门」的方针,认识比较明确,因此,工农子女享受人民助学金的比例逐年有所增长,对改变学生成份,起了积极的作用。但也有不少学校,在评审人员助学金时,采取平均主义的作法,不注意学生成份,或者单纯从家庭经济情况考虑,忽视了学生的学业和操行方面的情况,这和设立人民助学金的宗旨是不完全符合的。另一方面,随着国民经济的恢复和发展,广大劳动人民的经济生活已有一定的改善,逐步具有可能供应子女入学受教育的条件,因而对人民助学金的需要也必将随着减少。根据最近教育厅调查我省几个地区的中学人民助学金的材料看,充分证明了这一点。如邵阳市二中一个高中班学生自动降等的人数占全班享受助学金总人数的百分之二十五;一个初中班降等及自动放弃 The purpose of setting up people’s scholarships in ordinary middle schools is mainly to better implement the education policy for workers and peasants, and help workers and peasants to solve the practical difficulties of entering schools. Over the past few years, judging from the implementation situation, most schools in the evaluation of people’s bursaries have had a clearer understanding of the principle of “opening doors to workers and peasants”. Therefore, the proportion of workers’ and peasants’ children enjoying stipends for the people’s bursary has increased year by year, and has changed the composition of students. Played a positive role. However, there are also many schools that adopt egalitarian practices when assessing student financial aid, and do not pay attention to the composition of students, or simply consider the students’ academic and behavioral aspects in light of the family’s economic situation. The purpose of setting up a people’s grant is Not fully compliant. On the other hand, with the restoration and development of the national economy, the working people’s economic life has been somewhat improved, and they have gradually been able to supply conditions for their children to attend school. As a result, the need for people’s bursaries is bound to decrease. According to the recent study by the Ministry of Education on the investigation of middle school people’s grants in several districts of our province, this is fully demonstrated. For example, the number of senior secondary school students in Shaoyang City No. 2 Middle School automatically makes up 25 percent of the total number of students in the whole class;
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关于情态助动词的几篇文章刊出之后,陆续收到一些读者来信要求对推测性情态助动词 CAN(即表示“可能”的 CAN)能否用于肯定句的问题作进一步说明。本文就这个问题提供一份材