The Method for Inferring a Buried Fault from Resistivity Tomograms and Its Typical Electrical Featur

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong569
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Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) has been used to experimentally detect shallow buried faults in urban areas in the past a few years, with some progress and experience obtained. According to the results from Olympic Park, Beijing, Shandong Province, Gansu Province and Shanxi Province, we have generalized the method and procedure for inferring the discontinuity of electrical structures (DES) indicating a buried fault in urban areas from resistivity tomograms and its typical electrical features. In general, the layered feature of the electrical structure is first analyzed to preliminarily define whether or not a DES exists in the target area. Resistivity contours in resistivity tomograms are then analyzed from the deep to the shallow. If they extend upward from the deep to the shallow and shape into an integral dislocation, sharp flexure (convergence) or gradient zone, it is inferred that the DES exists, indicating a buried fault. Finally, horizontal tracing is be carried out to define the trend of the DES. The DES can be divided into three types-type AB, ABA and AC. In the present paper, the Zhangdian-Renhe fault system in Zibo city is used as an example to illustrate how to use the method to infer the location and spatial extension of a target fault. Geologic drilling holes are placed based on our research results, and the drilling logs testify that our results are correct. However, the method of this paper is not exclusive and inflexible. It is expected to provide reference and assistance for inferring the shallow buried faults in urban areas from resistivity tomograms in the future. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) has been used to experimentally detect shallow buried faults in urban areas in the past a few years, with some progress and experience. In accordance with the results from Olympic Park, Beijing, Shandong Province, Gansu Province and Shanxi Province , we have generalized the method and procedure for inferring the discontinuity of electrical structures (DES) indicating a buried fault in urban areas from resistivity tomograms and its typical electrical features. In general, the layered feature of the electrical structure is first analyzed to preliminarily define whether or not a DES exists in the target area. Resistivity contours in resistivity tomograms are then analyzed from the deep to the shallow of the shape of an integral dislocation, sharp flexure (convergence) or gradient zone, it is inferred that the DES exists, indicating a buried fault. Finally, horizontal tracing is be carried out to d The DES can be divided into three types-type AB, ABA and AC. In the present paper, the Zhangdian-Renhe fault system in Zibo city is used as an example to illustrate how to use the method to infer the location and spatial extension of a target fault. Geologic drilling holes are placed based on our research results, and the drilling logs testify that our results are correct. However, the method of this paper is not exclusive and inflexible. It is expected to provide reference and assistance for inferring the shallow buried faults in urban areas from resistivity tomograms in the future.
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