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青苔,一种丝状绿藻。春季温暖时开始繁殖生长,早期如毛发一样附生池底,颜色深绿。当大雨过后,天气睛好,水温合适时,青苔就大量繁殖,好似罗网悬张于水中。衰老时变成棉絮状飘浮于水面,颜色呈黄绿色,手感发滑。 1 青苔发生的原因:一是虾池冬季存有积水,开春没有排干、清池、消毒;二是三、四月份放养虾苗前纳水,没能肥好池,致使水过清引起 Moss, a filamentous green algae. When the spring is warm, it starts to multiply and grow. In the early stage, such as the epiphytic bottom of the hair, the dark green color. When heavy rain, the weather is good eyes, the water temperature is appropriate, the moss on the large population, as if suspended in the water network. Becomes cottony when floating in the water floating on the surface, the color was yellow-green, feel slippery. 1 moss occurred because: First, shrimp ponds have water in winter, spring did not drain, clear pool, disinfection; the second is in April and April stocking shrimp before the nano-water, did not fat pond, resulting in water-induced
<正> 泥蚶(Tegillarca granosa)工厂化育苗自90年代中期在浙江成功后,沿海各地纷纷新建育苗厂兴起泥蚶育苗的热潮,但由于有些单位匆匆上马,考虑不周,育苗厂总体布局不合理,育
为了有针对性的改进教学方法 ,不断提高教学水平,我们进行问卷调查和入科测试,然后调整教学内容与方法,将传统的教学法和PBL教学相结合,行内分泌专科临床实习效果的多因素分
The Belt and Road initiative is in the first instance,the barrier-free communication in ideology and culture.To cooperate with the Belt and Road initiative,exce
The first wave of Chinese immigration was between 1849 to 1882,and 110,000 Chinese immigrants had settled on the west coast of the US,attracted by“Gold Mountai
目的 探讨中职儿科护理学教学与护考如何对接。方法 自2011起,对所教授的护理专业班级采用儿科护理学教学与护考紧密结合的教学方法。结果 2012年护考通过率为64.0%,2013年护