Dispersing and Doping of BaTiO_3 Powder by Adsorption

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scfeiyang
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Dispersing and doping of BaTiO3 powder by adsorption method were investigated. Ultrafine BaTiO3 powders were dispersed in the aqueous with ammoniumized citrate (NH4-CA) or ammoniumized citric lanthanum chelate (NH4-La-CA) as dispersant by ultrasonic bath. Better disper-sion of BaTiO3 slurry was obtained in the aqueous with NH4-La-CA than that of NH4-CA when the mass ratio of citric acid (CA) to BaTiO3 was less than 0.007. The pH value hardly affects the dispersion property of BaTiO3 suspension dispersed by NH4-La-CA. BaTiO3 powder could be well dispersed (median size D50=0.45 μm) and also doped with high uniformity of added components by adsorbing citric acid chelate on surface . Compared with solid mixing, better microstructure and properties of La/Mn codoped ceramics were obtained by adsorption method. Dispersing and doping of BaTiO3 powders by adsorption method were investigated. Ultrafine BaTiO3 powders were dispersed in the aqueous with ammoniumized citrate (NH4-CA) or ammoniumized citric lanthanum chelate (NH4-La-CA) as dispersant by ultrasonic bath. of BaTiO3 slurry was obtained in aqueous with NH4-La-CA than that of NH4-CA when the mass ratio of citric acid (CA) to BaTiO3 was less than 0.007. The pH value hardly affects the dispersion property of BaTiO3 suspension dispersed by Compared with high mixing of added components by adsorbing citric acid chelate on surface. NH 4-La-CA BaTiO 3 powder could be well dispersed (median size D50 = 0.45 μm) and compared with solid mixing, better microstructure and properties of La / Mn codoped ceramics were obtained by adsorption method.
意大利人切萨雷·里帕(Cesare Ripa)16世纪末出版的《图像学》(Iconologia)是一本常被艺术史学家用来破译古典艺术作品寓意内涵的图像志参考手册。里帕从古代文物、壁画雕塑
摘 要  伴随着现代电子计算机技术的快速发展,企业对于计算机专业人才的要求也越来越高,为了向社会提供更多优质型人才,必须根据党十八大所提出的现代职业教育发展要求建立健全的高职计算机专业人才培养体系,使学生能夠满足企业的发展需求,为社会创造出更多的价值。  【关键词】现代职业教育;高职;计算机;人才培养  在传统的高职院校计算机专业教育中,一直存在着很严重的人才培养弊端,严重阻碍着学生的个性化发展以
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《杨柳风》是一本世界著名的童话故事书,由英国作家格雷厄姆(Kenneth Grahame,又译格莱亨)于1908年写成,英文书名是The Wind in the Willows。故事讲述春天来了,住在河边树林