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本文通过对昌吉州图书馆外借部2010年不同职业结构读者借阅文献资料情况的统计调查,准确把握读者对文献资料借阅的需求情况及目前馆藏文献资源对读者需求的满足程度。通过统计分析掌握读者阅读倾向和需求,从而明确馆藏文献的建设和补充方向。为做好昌吉州图书馆文献资源建设工作,充分发挥图书馆在地方经济和文化建设中的作用提供参考和依据。 This article through the Changji Prefecture Library Lending Department 2010 different occupations of readers borrow literature data survey to accurately grasp the readers of the literature and information borrowing needs and the current collection of literature resources to meet the needs of readers. Through statistical analysis to grasp the reader’s reading tendencies and needs, so as to clarify the collection of literature construction and complementary direction. In order to do the Changji prefecture library document resources construction work, give full play to the library in the local economy and cultural construction to provide reference and basis.
简要论述了作为领导应具备的几种品质及能力。 It briefly discusses several qualities and abilities that leaders should possess.
目的:观察单羧酸转运体-1(monocarboxylate transporter-1,MCT1)在溴化乙锭(Ethidium Bromide,EB)诱导的脱髓鞘模型大鼠胼胝体(corpus callosum,CC)内的表达变化。方法:选用
文章分析了基层图书馆展览工作现状,并结合自己的实践经验就如何做好展览服务工作提出了一些建设性意见。 The article analyzes the status quo of grassroots library exh
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography had been a treatment modality of choice for both benign and malignant biliary tract obstruction for more than hal