Electrochemical Characteristics of LaNi_(4.5)Al_(0.5) Alloy Used as Anodic Catalyst in a Direct Boro

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenminer
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Fuel cells using borohydride as the fuel have received much attention because of high energy density and theoretical working potential.In this work,LaNi4.5Al0.5 hydrogen storage alloy used as the anodic material has been investigated.It was found that the increasing operation temperature was helpful to the open-circuit potential,the discharge potential and the power density,but showed a negative effect on the utilization of the fuel due to the accelerated hydrogen evolution.The high KOH concentration was favorable for high-rate discharge capability.The adsorption and transformation of hydrogen on LaNi4.5Al0.5 alloy electrode has been observed,but its contribution to the discharge capability during a high-rate discharge was small. Fuel cells using borohydride as the fuel have received much attention because of high energy density and theoretical working potential. In this work, LaNi4.5Al0.5 hydrogen storage alloy used as the anodic material has been investigated. It was found that the increasing operation temperature was helpful to the open-circuit potential, the discharge potential and the power density, but showed a negative effect on the utilization of the fuel due to the accelerated hydrogen evolution. The high KOH concentration was favorable for high-rate discharge capability. and transformation of hydrogen on LaNi4.5Al0.5 alloy electrode has been observed, but its contribution to the discharge capability during a high-rate discharge was small.
【教学目标】  1.能有感情地朗读课文,背诵课文。  2.会用“无论……总是……”“只要……就……”造句。  3.通过对课文中“蓬蓬勃勃、四季常青”等关键词句的理解,感悟樟树蓬蓬勃勃的形象,懂得樟树的可贵。  4.领会樟树的象征意义,体会人们对宋庆龄的崇敬和怀念之情。  【教学过程】  一、情境渲染,切题导入  1.同学们,我们已经初步学习了这篇课文,课文主要写的内容就是——《宋庆龄故居的樟树》(
一条回归自然、音乐与绘画相辅相承的和谐艺术之路在她面前徐徐展开。她说:“一个心中没有爱的人,她的歌声、她的笔下是无法流淌出爱的语言的”  说起武警江苏总队政治部文工团团长陈明华,部队的人称赞她建团有方、带兵有情;艺术圈的行家都对她的唱功、歌喉啧啧称赞,认为是军旅歌唱家群体中独具魅力的歌者;而她的工笔画作,则又被收藏界大为追捧,堪称一画难求。一个看似娇小、柔弱的女子,如何将歌唱家、军人、书画家这三种