英雄意气壮山河 烈士功勋昭日月——冀东烈士陵园简介

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冀东,是中国伟大的共产主义先驱李大钊的故乡,是中国北方早期工人运动基地。抗日战争时期,冀热辽根据地是全国19块根据地之一,解放战争时期,冀东是辽沈、平津两大战役的重要支撑点。新民主主义革命的30年间,在民族解放和人民革命的艰难历程中,无数共产党人和爱国志士血洒这片热土。为了纪念牺牲的先烈,1955年河北省人民政府决定在唐山市修建冀东烈士陵园,1958年清明节竣工。1976年唐山大地震时,陵园被毁坏 Jidong, the hometown of Li Dazhao, a great pioneer of communism in China, is a base for the early workers’ movement in north China. During the period of the War of Resistance against Japan, one of the 19 base areas in the country was the Jialingliao Base. During the War of Liberation, Jidong was an important support point for the two major campaigns of Liaoshen and Pingjin. During the 30 years of the new-democratic revolution, innumerable Communists and patriots have shed blood on the painful course of national liberation and people’s revolution. To commemorate the sacrificial martyrs, in 1955, Hebei Provincial People’s Government decided to build the Jidong Martyrs Cemetery in Tangshan City, completed in 1958, Ching Ming Festival. When the Tangshan earthquake in 1976, the cemetery was destroyed
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