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孟河医学作为我国著名地域性医学流派,其炮制技艺特色非常明显,不仅炮制方法存在多样性,而且所用辅料颇具特色,有的药物炮制工艺也较为特别。孟河炮制不仅在许多疾病治疗上发挥着奇特的疗效,而且也充分体现着地方医学流派的特色优势和重要价值。目前,孟河炮制也存在一些问题,包括记载分散,记述简单或不够明确,处方炮制信息趋于减少,炮制方法有濒临消亡的危险。因此,开展孟河炮制规范化研究,无论是从孟河医学用药特色发挥、炮制产业发展的角度,还是从孟河医学传承和发展、中医药标准体系建设全面推进的层面来看都非常必要。 As a well-known regional medical school in our country, Menghe Medicine has obvious characteristics of its processing techniques. Not only is there a diversity of processing methods, but also the characteristics of its excipients are quite unique. Some of the medicine processing techniques are also quite special. The handling of the Meng River not only plays a peculiar therapeutic effect in the treatment of many diseases, but also fully reflects the distinctive advantages and important values ​​of the local medical school. At present, there are some problems in the processing of Menghe River, including the fact that the records are scattered, the descriptions are simple or not clear enough, the prescription information of the prescriptions tends to decrease, and the processing methods are in danger of imminent demise. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out the research on standardization of Menghe system, both from the point of view of Menghe medical characteristics and concocted industrial development, and from the aspect of inheritance and development of Menghe medical science and the comprehensive promotion of Chinese medicine standard system.
输卵管妊娠是一种常见的妇科急腹症 ,对妇女造成极大的危害 ,诊断不及时甚至可危及生命。近 2 0年来全世界异位妊娠的发病率均有显著增加 ,发生率增长了 2~ 3倍。我国部分地区
Baoying pumping station is a part of source pumping stations in East Route Project of South-to-North Water Transfer in China.Aiming at the characteristics of he