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充分发挥图书馆的职能与优势,保护、传承、发展各民族尤其是少数民族的文化,对于构建现代化和谐社会和社会主义民族团结有着非常重要的现实意义。 To give full play to the functions and advantages of libraries and to protect, inherit and develop the cultures of all ethnic groups, especially the ethnic minorities, have very important practical significance for building a modern harmonious society and socialist national unity.
本文强调了图书咨询馆导读工作的重要性,阐述了高校图书咨询馆导读工作的主要举措,探讨了高校图书咨询馆如何根据读者类型做好咨询与导读工作。 This article emphasizes th
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目前行业性地方文献工作开展得并不充分。整理实践过程中,要多措并举,推进行业性地方文献工作的开展。 At present, the work of industrial local literature has not been
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