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党中央和中央红军长征途中多次选择、调整落脚点,最后落脚陕北,其首要原因是陕甘革命根据地是第二次国内革命战争时期中共领导的仅存革命根据地。其次是党中央的科学精神和战略眼光与“北上抗日”政治路线的共振,使陕甘根据地作为中国革命的大本营成为历史必然。到达根据地后,党依托着这块唯一的根据地,通过红军“东征和西征”以及西安事变的和平解决,在“争取时间,争取空间,争取力量”的斗争中赢得了先机。随后深入华北地区独立自主地开展抗日武装斗争,为日后的发展并最终取得中国新民主主义革命的胜利奠定了基础,也为党在新民主主义革命时期的局部执政和在新中国成立后的全面执政积累了丰富而宝贵的历史经验。 During the long march of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Red Army, they chose and adjusted their footholds and eventually settled in northern Shaanxi mainly because the Shaanxi-Gansu revolutionary base area was the only remaining base of the revolution led by the CPC during the Second Revolutionary Civil War. Second, it is the historical inevitability that the CPC Central Committee’s scientific spirit and strategic vision should resonate with the political line of “northward resisting Japan” and that the base areas of Shaanxi and Gansan as bases for the Chinese revolution. After arriving at the base area, the Party won the first place in the struggle for time, space and power for gaining reliance on this only base area through the peaceful solution of the “Red Flag” and “Western Expedition” and the Xi’an Incident machine. Then they went deep into North China to independently and independently carry out the armed resistance in the war of resistance against Japan and lay the foundation for the future development and eventually the victory of China’s new-democratic revolution. It also contributed to the party’s partial administration in the new-democratic revolution and the full-scale ruling after the founding of new China Has accumulated rich and valuable historical experience.
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【正】 一部文艺作品,让人们欣赏以后,能拨动人的心弦,使人动情,这当然是很好的。如果再能引起人们对历史、对人生作哲理的思索,而它描绘的人物形象、场景和气氛,萦绕在人们