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我国的四个直辖市虽然从行政区划上看是城市,但作为省一级的行政单位,其经济实力、发展水平、资源配制等却领先于很多省区。上海2007年GDP总量超过1.2万亿元,在全国排名第7,成为唯一进入万亿俱乐部的城市。而重庆在城镇居民人均可支配收入方面的排名也明显提高 Although the four municipalities directly under the Central Government are cities from the perspective of administrative division, as the administrative unit at the provincial level, their economic strength, development level and resource allocation are ahead of many other provinces and autonomous regions. Shanghai's total GDP in 2007 exceeded 1.2 trillion yuan, ranking seventh in the country and becoming the only city to enter the trillion club. However, the ranking of per capita disposable income of urban residents in Chongqing also significantly increased
【摘要】 通过深入工业园区企业车间考察,与企业负责人、普通员工面对面进行交谈,对金融危机影响珠三角经济发展的情况有了初步了解,并结合衡山实际对认识和应对金融危机提出了一些思考。  【关键词】 金融危机;珠三角经济;调查;思考    一、金融危机使珠三角经济受挫严重,但尚未伤及筋骨    1.从主要经济指标来看,发展速度大幅下降  前三季度,广东省GDP25299.68亿元,同比增长10.4%,比去
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《Let It Go》是华特迪士尼动画工作室的2013年动画作品《冰雪奇缘》当中的主题曲,由Kristen Anderson-Lopez和Robert Lopez作曲作词,并由美国歌手Idina Menzel演唱。The sno
Purpose: To compare outcomes of microincision cataract surgery (MICS) with coaxial phacoemulsification. Design: Prospective randomized consecutive case series.
以对氯苯乙酸(2)为起始原料,经酯化、胺解、还原、氯代、烷基化、手性拆分、成盐等7步反应合成了盐酸氯卡色林,总收率为19.1%,其结构经ESI-MS、1H NMR及13C NMR确证。 Start
A novel polyester containing ferrocenyl was prepared by low-temperature interface polycondensation of 1,1'-ferrocenedicarboxylic acid chloride with 4-(4-hydroxy