Magnetism and Transport Properties of HfFe_6Ge_6-type Er_(1-x)Gd_xMn_6Ge_6(x=0.2-0.9) Compounds

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:johnchen1001
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Magnetic transitions and magnetotransport properties of polycrystalline Er1-xGdxMn6Ge6(x=0.2-0.9) compounds were studied.The magnetic and resistivity properties were analyzed in an applied magnetic field up to 5 T.It is found that Er1-xGdxMn6Ge6(x=0.2-0.9) compounds displays a transition from the antiferromagnetic state to the ferrimagnetic state for increasing Gd content.The Er1-xGdx Mn6Ge6 with x=0.2 and 0.5 compounds order antiferromagnetically at 430 and 432 K,respectively.The Er1-x GdxMn6Ge6 with x=0.8 and 0.9 compounds order ferrimagnetically at 462 and 471 K,respectively.The Er1-xGdxMn6Ge6 compounds undergo the second transitions below 71 K.The magnetoresistance curves of the Er0.1Gd0.9Mn6Ge6 compound in a field of 5 T are presented and the magnetoresistance effects are related to the metamagnetic transitions. Magnetic transitions and magnetotransport properties of polycrystalline Er1-xGdxMn6Ge6 (x = 0.2-0.9) compounds were studied. The magnetic and resistivity properties were analyzed in an applied magnetic field up to 5 T. It is found that Er1-xGdxMn6Ge6 (x = 0.2- 0.9) compounds displays a transition from the antiferromagnetic state to the ferrimagnetic state for increasing Gd content. Er1-xGdx Mn6Ge6 with x = 0.2 and 0.5 for compounds of antiferromagnetically at 430 and 432 K, respectively. The Er1-x GdxMn6Ge6 with x = 0.8 and 0.9 compounds order ferrimagnetically at 462 and 471 K, respectively. The Er1-xGdxMn6Ge6 compounds undergo the second transitions below 71 K. The magnetoresistance curves of the Er0.1Gd0.9Mn6Ge6 compound in a field of 5 T are presented and the magnetoresistance effects are related to the metamagnetic transitions.
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