外创内改 增强企业活力

来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdwd521
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位于河北省南端的邯郸市,是个新兴的工业城市,辖武安、邯郸两县和四个区,共有工业企业788个。这些企业特别是大中型企业是全市经济的骨干,是财政收入的主要来源。与全市工业企业总数相比,大中型企业户数虽然仅占5%,但拥有职工占68%,完成产值占72%,实现利税占93%。因此,在城市经济体制改革中,我们始终注意把搞活企业特别是大中型企业作为中心环节,采 Handan City is located in the southern tip of Hebei Province, is an emerging industrial city, jurisdiction of Wuan, Handan counties and four districts, a total of 788 industrial enterprises. These enterprises, especially large and medium-sized enterprises, are the backbone of the city’s economy and the major source of revenue. Compared with the total number of industrial enterprises in the city, although the number of large and medium-sized enterprises accounts for only 5%, it has 68% of the employees, 72% of the output value and 93% of the profits and taxes. Therefore, in the reform of the urban economic system, we always pay attention to revitalizing enterprises, especially large and medium-sized enterprises as the central link
实验观察了低压低氧环境对胎鼠海马神经元NMDA受体数目和通道特性的影响。采用原位杂交和膜片钳观察NMDA受体的数量和功能。结果显示 :胎鼠低压低氧后 ,NMDA受体数量和通道开
940048 Dlagnosis“d treatment of triPle acid一basedisorders in 28 eritical patien妞with neurosurgial 111-ness.GuO Qiang(郭强),et al.块pt Neurosurg,Af-fili Hosp,
这篇文章就我国改革的渐进性特点和如何进行配套改革发表了探索性的意见。 This article has published exploratory opinions on the gradual nature of our reform and on
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