
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shem12god
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在滇西素有“东方大峡谷”之称的怒江深处,有一位心系国防、热爱武装,对国防后备力量建设一往情深的好书记,他就是云南泸水县县委书记刘泉同志。自2000年上任以来,身为县人武部党委第一书记的他,坚持每月到人武部办公一次,认真履行第一书记的职责,为人武部解决实际困难。他常说:“在边疆少数民族地区,我们党的工作重点就是维护边疆社会稳定和带领群众脱贫致富,武装工作要以维护社会稳定为核心,积极支持边疆扶贫攻坚工作,服务地方经济建设。为此,我们在工作中再忙也不能忘了国防,再难也不能难了武装。”刘书记是这样说的,也是这样做的。 In the depths of the Nu River, known as the “Grand Canyon of the East” in western Yunnan, there is a good secretary who is deeply concerned about national defense and armed with a passion for the building of national defense reserve forces. He is Comrade Liu Quan, secretary of the county party committee of Lushui County in Yunnan Province. Since he took office in 2000, as the first secretary of the party committee of the armed forces in the county, he insisted on going to the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces once a month to do his office one after another. He earnestly performed the duties of the first secretary and solved the actual difficulties for the armed forces. He often said: “In the minority areas in the border areas, our party’s work focuses on safeguarding social stability in the frontier areas and leading the masses out of poverty. Armed work should take the maintenance of social stability as the core and actively support the efforts made by the frontiers to help the poor and serve the local economy. Therefore, we can not forget our national defense any more during our work, and it is no longer difficult to arm ourselves. ”This is what Liu Shuji said and does the same.
Ein Herd ist ein Gert zum Kochen,Braten und Backen von Speisen,in seiner ursprünglichen Bedeutung die Feuer-bzw.Kochstelle eines Hauses. In den Sippenhuser
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云南富源县委、县政府学习贯彻十六大精神,用创新思想促进国防后备力量建设取得新进展。 富源县是云南省国防后备力量建设先进单位,该县人武部正规化建设在1999年已通过曲靖