坚持按劳分配 改革工资制度——学习《邓小平文选》关于按劳分配的论述

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按劳分配问题既是社会主义政治经济学的一个重大理论问题,也是社会主义建设中的一个重大现实问题。对此,邓小平同志作了许多精辟的论述。学习小平同志的这些论述,能使我们进一步提高认识,增强贯彻按劳分配原则的自觉性。一、坚持科学社会主义,必须坚持按劳分配坚持不坚持按劳分配的原则,是关系到坚持不坚持科学社会主义这一根本性的问题。在十年动乱期间,“四人帮”继承拉萨尔的衣钵,打出“公平分配”的破旗,攻击按劳分配会 The issue of distribution according to work is not only a major theoretical issue in socialist political economy, but also a major realistic issue in socialist construction. In response, Comrade Deng Xiaoping made many brilliant discussions. Studying Comrade Xiaoping’s statements will enable us to further raise our awareness and enhance our consciousness of implementing the principle of distribution according to work. I. Persisting in Scientific Socialism, Adhering to the principle of Allocation According to His Work, and Not Insisting on the Principle of Allocation According to His Work are issues that are related to the fundamental issue of insisting on not persisting in scientific socialism. During the ten years of turmoil, the Gang of Four inherited the mantle of Lassalle, launched the “fair distribution” flag and attacked the distribution according to work
【正】 我国的中小企业为数众多,它们的经营成败,对于我国城乡经济的发展,关系极大。一年多来,我们对广东省南海县等地的中小企业进行了调查。在调查中,我们发现一些中小企业
丽水市区位于浙西南腹地,市区所在地莲都区土地总面积1 502平方公里.其中山区占28.5%,丘陵占45%,平源占26%.以丘陵山地为主,四周群山起伏,中部低落.工业欠发达,而酸雨污染却