彻底砸碎“两个估计” 发展中医教育事业——浙江中医学院掀起大揭大批新高潮

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教育部大批判组的文章《教育战线的一场大论战》传达了毛主席一九七一年关于教育工作的光辉指示后,浙江中医学院迅速掀起一个大学习、大揭发、大清查、大批判的新高潮。全体师生同仇敌忾,决心打好揭批“四人帮”第三个战役,于最近召开批判大会,联系实际,狠批“四人帮”炮制的“两个估计”破坏中医教育事业的反革命罪行。批判大会发言的有干部、教师、工农兵学员的七位代表。他们摆出大量事实和亲身经历与体会,愤怒揭发批判“四人帮”是怎样反对伟大领袖和导师毛主席和敬爱的周总理关于中医工作的重要指示的,“四人帮”在浙江的两个代理人和亲信张永生是怎样挥舞“两个估计”的大棒破坏中医教育事业的。 After the Chairman Mao Zedong’s brilliant instruction on education in 1973, the article entitled “Great Debate on Education Front” issued by the major criticism group of the Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine promptly set off a course of study, disclosure, investigation and criticism The new upsurge. All teachers and students are determined to fight the third battle of the Gang of Four with a view to laying the groundwork for the third campaign of the Gang of Four. They recently held a critical meeting to link reality with the “gang of four” and severely criticized the counter-revolutionary crimes of “two estimations” that undermined the education of Chinese medicine. There are seven representatives of cadres, teachers, workers, peasants and soldiers who criticized the conference. They put forth a great deal of factual and personal experience and experience and angered and exposed how the critics of the “gang of four” opposed the two representatives of the “gang of four” in Zhejiang and the “gang of four” in opposing Zhejiang’s great leaders and mentors, Chairman Mao and beloved Premier Zhou’s important instructions on Chinese medicine. Confidant Zhang Yongsheng is how to wield the “two estimates” of the stick destroy the cause of Chinese medicine education.
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