Hunger crisis amid the pandemic疫情下的饥饿危机

来源 :疯狂英语·新悦读 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songchuans
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  1 Its Friday morning in Alexandra township, a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of South Africas largest city, Johannesburg. Dozens of people are gathered in a field outside a food distribution point, hoping today might be the day they get something to eat.
  2 “If youre hungry, its easy to get sick from stress and everything,” says Mduduzi Khumalo, whos been lining up every day for two weeks. To get food, their names have to be on the list. However, despite registering multiple times, his hasnt been.
  3 Khumalo worked as a delivery man before South Africas coronavirus lockdown decimated his income. His children used to get two meals a day at school, but schools are closed now. Every day, the kids wait for him at the familys tiny home, and every day he brings the same bad news. “They know that if I dont get anything for them, its over,” says Khumalo.
  4 Thandi Lebho, 39, lives in the South African township of Diepsloot. She and her husband and three children have been waiting for food donations for three weeks. They failed to get what they needed when South Africas lockdown began and her income dried up. She has registered online and by phone. She came to the clinic and registered, but nothing happened. When she managed to get to the food distribution truck, it already ran out of supplies.
  5 “The kids are not going to school and education is going low. We are struggling to get money because Im working for myself. Im not earning anything now,” she said. “Im starving now. I dont have anything.” She will be back in the food line the next day, trying to get something to keep her family going. “Im afraid of getting sick, and Im afraid of starving,” she added.
  6 Theres “a real crisis that more people could possibly die from the economic impact of COVID?19 than from the virus itself”, warned David Beasley, director of the United Nations World Food Programme.
  Ⅰ. Fill in the table with only one word for each blank.
  [People Background Challenges Solutions Results Emotions Mduduzi Khumalo A resident in Alexandra township
   A former 1.
难词探意  1. grill /ɡrl/ n. 烤架  2. patio /pti/ n. (房屋外面或后面的)露台;平台  3. compound /kmpand/ adj. 复合的  4. benign /bnain/ adj. 良性的  It was a warm April evening, and I had gotten home from work about an hour ear
【摘 要】 项目教学是在计算机应用软件类课程中常用的教学模式,即学生在教师的指导下通过完成独立的项目来掌握学习内容,解决现实场景中的真实问题,实现学习目标。“计算机图文设计”课程在教学实践中,采用翻转课堂的组织形式开展项目教学,把课程内容重新整编为不同层次的项目,把教学过程划分为课前准备、课堂交流实践、课后总结评价三个阶段,强调教师的专业和技术素养,重视课前的资源设计,强调学生有目的地收集资料和主
由于疫情,学生们不得不改上网课,高中学生Goyal意识到了网课的缺陷,与同学创办了TutorScope,给同学和年龄更小的孩子们提供在线帮助。  Charvi Goyal is a high school student from Dallas, Texas who helps out other classmates by tutoring them between classes. When
馬德琳·英格的小说《时间的皱纹》叙述的是15岁的女孩麦格寻找失踪的爸爸的故事。这本风格独特的书,激发了我们对爱的思索,对人文主义的关怀以及对快乐生活的展望。  A Wrinkle in Time begins by relating Megs personal struggles at school and her inability to fit in with the crowd. This
她們将回到原先的生活  唐训宏举起手中的杯子,与围着饭桌的十几个女人干杯。和唐训宏一样,她们的脸上没有妆,一头黑发扎在耳后,彼此称呼对方为“老师”。临近高考的这些天里,打招呼的方式成了:快了、快了……你什么时候走?毛坦厂中学高三、高四的教学楼下,各自挂着一个电子屏,上面写着:距离高考仅剩6天。  酒杯敬向每一个人,唐训宏今年46岁,大家都叫她“唐校长”。她看着周围的女人们,她们都是从外地来到毛坦厂
同源高考  妹妹落水保镇静,哥哥相助见真情。  难词探意  1. current /?k?r?nt/ n. 水流  2. grab /gr?b/ v. 抓住  3. hip /h?p/ n. 臀部  4. waist /we?st/ n. 腰部  Ma?la and Karel Godin said what they had learned in swimming lessons helped
海詞积累  1. a flowing long robe 飘逸的长袍  2. beaded floral embroidery 串珠绣花  3. metro n. 地铁  4. boom v. 繁荣昌盛; 迅速发展  5. Han ethnic majority 汉族人  6. patriotism n. 爱国主义  7. debut v. 初次登台  8. tassel n. 流苏  9. or
【摘 要】 大规模在线公开课程(又称“慕课”)是高等教育领域的新发展,近来引发了热烈讨论。这场大讨论主要围绕不同类型慕课在哲学观和运营方面的异同、课程完成率和如何维持慕课运营这些问题而展开。相比之下,人们很少从社会、经济和环境效益的角度讨论慕课在多大程度上与现行高等教育政策和实践相吻合或相悖。英国开放大学10年前开设了一门基于信息通信技术、主要是在线学习的课程,吸引了众多学生;本文把慕课与这门课程