
来源 :汽车电器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longxmb
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目前,电子技术在汽车上的运用正在日益增多,在结构工艺上,国外已从60年代的分立元件过渡到80年代大规模固体电路;在产品上以发电机电压控制装置到微处理机控制点火正时及其他汽车电子辅助装置如电子防滑,车速指示等等都有大量应用。以整个汽车所用电子设备来看,大致可分为两大类: At present, the use of electronic technology in automobiles is increasing day by day. In terms of structural technology, foreign countries have transitioned from discrete components in the 1960s to large-scale solid-state circuits in the 1980s. On the product, generator voltage control devices are used to control the ignition of microprocessors Timing and other automotive electronics aids such as electronic skid, speed instructions, etc. have a large number of applications. To the entire automotive electronics used, can be broadly divided into two categories:
Designs of p-doped in quantum well (QW) barriers and specific number of vertically stacked QWs areproposed to improve the optical performance of GaN-based dual-
A recent patent litigation case was ruled in favor of BASF and against the chemi-cal manufacturer Shouguang Shuangxing Pesticide Co.,Ltd.,a pesticide pro-ducer
只有找到符合独立学院学生实际的英语教学改革及学院特色办学之路,才能培养出适合学生实际及社会需求的应用型人才。 Only in accordance with the actual college English
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Bayer Material Science launches the 2nd Raw Material Application Research Paper for 2008-2009.Building on the success of lastyear’s contest,with hundreds of h
我院自1992~1997年共收治小儿隐源性脑脓肿62例,取得了满意效果。现报道如下:1临床资料1.1一般资料62例中男28例,女34例。发病年龄为2~14岁,其中2~5岁6例,5~10岁43例,10~14岁13例。所有病例在作出诊断前一个月内均无呼吸... I
【正】 The first phase of polyester project in Jiangsu Dongtai Desai Chemical Fiber Co.,Ltd.was recently completed and went on stream.With a total investment of