
来源 :中国水运 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaotong125555
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澳门虽是弹丸之地,但就景色而言,却稍胜于素有“东方明珠”之称的香港n漫步澳门.最令人惊叹的是其包容性,无论是人文景观,还是自然名胜,无不体现出东西交融、和谐共处的多样性。这种多样性为澳门奠定了作为旅游胜地的基础。澳门旅游景点大致可分为庙宇教堂、历史名胜、园 Although Macao is a small place to play, scenery is slightly better than Hong Kong, known as the “Pearl of the East”. The most amazing is its inclusiveness, whether it is cultural landscape, or natural attractions, all reflect the blend of things, harmonious coexistence of diversity. This diversity has laid the foundation for Macau as a tourist destination. Macau tourist attractions can be divided into temples, historical sites, parks
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The synthesis of sequence controlled polymers received increasing interest in polymer science. This mini review focuses on the principle and methods developed t