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为进一步落实在西安召开的铁路建设工程质量工作会议精神,全面完成今年铁路建设任务,做好2005年初新开工建设项目安排,12月21日,铁道部召开了铁路建设工程质量电视电话会议。铁道部党组成员、副部长陆东福讲了话。会上,兰州、郑州铁路局等单位分别就贯彻落实在西安召开的铁路建设工程质量工作会议精神作了专题发言。会议指出,铁道部在西安召开铁路建设工程质量工作会议之后,铁路建设单位对在建工程质量存在的问题进行了整改,但仍然还存在一些问题,认识和措施还远远没有到位。工程质量是铁路建设永恒的主题,各建设单位要从严务实,常抓不懈, In order to further implement the spirit of the work conference on railway construction quality held in Xi’an, fully accomplish the railway construction tasks for this year and do a good job in the construction of new construction projects scheduled for early 2005. On December 21, the Ministry of Railways held a quality teleconference for railway construction projects. Lu Dongfu, member of the Ministry of Railways party and deputy minister, made a remark. At the meeting, Lanzhou and Zhengzhou Railway Bureau and other units made special speeches respectively on implementing the spirit of the work conference on railway construction quality held in Xi’an. The meeting pointed out that after the Ministry of Railways held a conference on the quality of railway construction in Xi’an, the railway construction unit rectified the problems existing in the quality of the construction in progress, but some problems still remained. The understanding and measures were far from being put in place. Project quality is the eternal theme of railway construction, all construction units should be strict and pragmatic, always grasp the relentless,
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