聚焦开放贵州 聚力后发赶超——2016(全球)贵商发展大会在贵阳举行

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11月9日,以“聚焦开放贵州聚力后发赶超”为主题的2016(全球)贵商发展大会在贵阳举行。全国政协副主席、全国工商联主席王钦敏致辞。贵州省委副书记、省长孙志刚讲话。省委常委、副省长慕德贵主持,省政协副主席、省工商联主席李汉宇致欢迎词。王钦敏代表全国工商联向大会的召开表示祝贺,向海内外贵商致以亲切问候和良好祝愿。他说,贵商拥 On November 9, the 2016 (Global) Business Development Conference with the theme of “Focusing on Opening Up and Leaving after Guizhou Co-located” was held in Guiyang. Wang Qinmin, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce addressed the speech. Deputy Secretary of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, Governor Sun Zhigang speech. Provincial Committee and Vice Governor Mu Takui presided over the provincial CPPCC Vice Chairman, Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce Chairman Li Hanyu welcoming words. On behalf of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Wang Qinmin congratulated the convening of the conference and extended cordial greetings and best wishes to you at home and abroad. He said that your business owners
Amy:Why can’t you keep a piano locked up?Keira:It has keys! Amy: Why can not you keep a piano locked up? Keira: It has keys!
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