
来源 :中国农村水利水电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woaiwodeqq
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东省莱州市投资200多万元,近期在郭家店镇小草沟村建成全省第一处微机控制变频调速恒压固定式高杆喷灌系统示范工程高杆喷灌是固定式喷灌的一种特殊形式,能够更好地净化空气,调节田间的温度和湿度,对改善土壤环境,提高林果产品质量具有十分重要的作用同时。对不同地势和林 Laizhou City, east province invested more than 200 million recently in Guojiaodian small grass village built the province’s first microcomputer-controlled variable frequency constant pressure fixed high sprinkler irrigation system demonstration project is a high-sprinkler irrigation is a The special form, can better purify the air, regulate the temperature and humidity in the field, to improve the soil environment, improve the quality of fruit products has a very important role. Different terrain and forest
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