祝《理化检验》出刊30卷 创期刊工作的新局面——致谢长期关心、支持本刊的各级领导、编委、作者、读者和各界朋友

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《理化检验》杂志1963年创刊,除“文革”期间的1969~1970年被迫停刊两年外,已编辑、出版达30卷。由于主办、主管领导部门的大力扶植、编辑部同仁的努力工作,以及广大作者和读者的热情支持,使本刊得以茁壮成长。《理化检验》由原来鲜为人知的不定期内部刊物逐步发展为公开发行的双月刊,在理化检验行业中已是“家喻户晓”,并深受读者欢迎。刊物在内容、编辑水平、印刷质量和发行数量等方面也都相应地有大幅度的提高。今天,在庆祝本刊“而立”之年的时刻,谨向关心支持本刊的各级领导、编委、作者、读者致以衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意。 《理化检验》之所以能获得较大发展并深受读者的欢迎,还在于其专业本身的特点。众所周知,理化检验的应用范围遍及机械、冶金、地矿、化工、电子、航空、宇航、能源、国防以及环境科学等部门。在日常的工业生产过程中,从原材料的验收、加工工艺的控制、半成品以至成品质量的评定,每个环节几乎都需理化检验工作的参与;在研究开发新材料和新方法、确定在役装置和零部件的运行情况、分析引起失效的原因、消化和鉴定引进技术和设备等,也都离不开理化测试。至于对材料科学整个学科来说,理化测试则起着联系这一学科各分支之间纽带的作用。它使材料制备加工、组织结构和性能鉴定 The magazine “Physical and Chemical Testing” was first published in 1963 and has been edited and published for 30 volumes except for two years from 1969 to 1970 during the “Cultural Revolution.” As the host, the competent department in charge of strong support, editorial colleagues colleagues hard work, as well as the vast number of authors and readers enthusiastic support, so that the magazine can grow sturdily. The physical and chemical test has gradually been developed into a bi-monthly public offering from a little-known non-scheduled internal periodical. It has become a household name in the physical and chemical testing industry and has been well received by readers. Publications have also been greatly improved in terms of content, editorial level, printing quality and number of issues. Today, at the time of celebrating the founding anniversary of this magazine, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks and highest respect to all the leaders, editors, authors and readers who care and support this magazine. The reason why “physical and chemical test” can get more development and be welcomed by the readers is that the specialty itself is also characterized. As we all know, physical and chemical testing the scope of application throughout the machinery, metallurgy, mining, chemical, electronics, aerospace, aerospace, energy, defense and environmental science and other departments. In the daily industrial production process, from the acceptance of raw materials, processing technology control, semi-finished products and finished product quality assessment, almost every aspect of the physical and chemical testing involved in the research and development of new materials and new methods to determine the device in service And components of the operation, analysis of the causes of failure, digestion and identification of imported technology and equipment, are also inseparable from physical and chemical testing. As for the entire discipline of materials science, physical and chemical testing play a role as a link between the various branches of the discipline. It makes the preparation of materials processing, organizational structure and performance appraisal
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