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秦岭的长篇小说《皇粮钟》描绘了一幅新时期乡村历史和农民命运的艺术画卷,它通过农民日常生活的描写表现一个宏大主题,塑造了一群性格各异的人物形象,其中充满着浓郁的乡土气息和地域文化风情。这在当下乡村小说多呈现乡土经验的碎片化,传统的乡土美学趋于解体,众多作品在书写乡土挽歌的文学语境下,显得尤为难得。小说为我们提供了另一种乡村叙事的范例:它表现了一个宏大主题,但又放弃“宏大叙事”;它表现了生活的日常性,但又避免过分琐碎;它表现了乡村的变化,但又有一种坚信;它描写民间文化的颓变,但又展现了它的顽强。 Qinling’s novel Huangliangzong depicts an artistic picture of village history and the fate of peasants in the new era. It depicts a grand theme through the portrayal of peasants’ everyday life and shapes a group of characters with different personalities, which are full of rich Local flavor and regional culture. In the current rural novels, there is more fragmentation of local experience, the traditional local aesthetics tends to disintegrate, and many works are especially rare in the literary context of writing local elegies. The novel provides us with an example of another rural narrative: it shows a grand theme but gives up “grand narrative”; it shows the everydayness of life but avoids being trivial; it shows the changes in the country , But there is a certain conviction; it describes the decay of folk culture, but it shows its tenacity.
<正>Raf kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP) was originally identified as a protein that bound membrane phospholipids and was named phosphatidylethanol-amine