回眸辉煌岁月 继续开拓奋进——兵团新闻出版事业五十年回顾与展望

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根植于当代屯垦戍边丰富土壤和兼备五湖四海地域文化特点的兵团新闻出版事业,披着社会主义祖国前进的春风,沐着改革开放的新雨,谱着艰苦创业的篇章,走过了50年的辉煌历程。50年来,特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,伴随着兵团经济和各项社会事业的发展壮大,兵团新闻出版业跨进了前所未有的快速发展新时期,焕发出勃勃生机。事业规模不断壮大、综合质量不断提高,整体效益不断增强,在执行屯垦戍边这一伟大历史使命和兵团的“两个文明”建设中产生着越来越深刻的影响,发挥越来越重要的作用。50年来,兵团新闻出版业坚定不移地贯彻党的宣传和新闻出版工作方针,坚持为职工群众服务,为屯垦戍边服务,为全党全国、全兵团工作大局服务的正确方向,坚持一手抓繁荣,一手抓管理,坚持社会效益第一的原则,坚持解放思想、实事求是,坚持发展才是硬道理,坚持深化改革,向产业化发展迈进等,经 Rooted in the contemporary soil gardening and enriching the frontiers and both the cultural characteristics of the Corps news and publishing industry, dressed in the spring breeze of the socialist motherland, with the reform and opening up the new rain, a chapter of arduous pioneering, through 50 years of glory course. In the past 50 years, especially since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, with the development and expansion of the economy and various social undertakings of the Corps, the corps’ press and publication industry has stepped into an unprecedented rapid development with new vitality. The business scale has been continuously expanded, the overall quality has been continuously improved, and the overall efficiency has been continuously enhanced. This has played an increasingly profound role in the implementation of the “two civilizations” in the great historical mission of setting up a garrison and guarding the front and the Corps, and has played an increasingly important role Role. In the past 50 years, the Corps Press and Publication Industry has firmly and steadfastly implemented the party’s propaganda and press work guidelines, upheld the principle of serving the masses of workers, serving the settlement and security of the frontiers, serving the overall situation of the entire party, the whole corps, and maintaining prosperity with one hand , One hand grasp management, adhere to the principle of social benefits first, adhere to emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, adhere to the development is the last word, persist in deepening the reform, to industrialization development, etc.
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