Uncovering the Connections Among Sustainability, Governance and GDP

来源 :Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blueflower368
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This paper examines the connections among sustain- ability, governance and GDP, using the data from 123 countries. Sustainability is found to be related with GDP in two contradic- tory ways. On the one hand, growth in GDP strengthens a nation’s ability to maintain favorable environmental conditions into the future. On the other hand, GDP growth is built on more consump- tion of natural resources, and therefore generates a larger “foot- print” on the Earth. Governance plays a key role in sustainable development. However, it is not helping to reduce our footprint on the Earth. In fact, good governance is linked to a larger footprint. This reflects our materialist value and human impulse. When a society prefers the comfort and well-being of human beings to the welfare of its environment, democratic governance might be used as an effective tool against nature. This paper examines the connections among sustain- ability, governance and GDP, using the data from 123 countries. Sustainability is found to be related to GDP in two contradic- tory ways. On the one hand, growth in GDP strengthens a nation’s ability to maintain favorable environmental conditions into the future. On the other hand, GDP growth is built on more consump- tion of natural resources, and therefore generates a larger “foot-print” on the Earth. Governance plays a key role in sustainable development. However, it is not helping to reduce our footprint on the Earth. This fact we linked to a larger footprint. This reflects our materialist value and human impulse. its environment, democratic governance might be used as an effective tool against nature.
周末的雨天,一家人忙活着。爸爸择菜,妈妈晾衣服,孩子越越揉面团,爸爸时不时给孩子加油:“没事,揉不动待会爸爸再揉,然后我们一起包饺子,怎么样?”孩子点头:“我做饺子皮,然后我们一起包。”  妈妈晾完衣服,问越越说:“腿酸不酸呀?”越越回答:“不呀!”妈妈接着问:“劳动是最快乐的吧?”越越答:“是啊,不劳动的人就没得吃!”  很多人认为越越是个乖孩子,更有不少人向我取经,为何越越这么乖巧呢?这里,我
武侠世界里,不只有武功,也有唯美的爱情。无论是潇洒的楚留香和还是冷酷的傅红雪,不管是单纯的郭靖和还是好色的韦小宝,都有自己的红颜知己、浪漫爱情。如果我们深入江湖,会拥有怎样的浪漫爱情故事呢?  1 下面四位江湖侠客,你最欣赏谁?  A 郭靖  B 张无忌  C 楚留香  D 韦小宝  2 如果有一天,倚天剑和屠龙刀落到了你的手里,你会怎样处置这两件武林至宝?  A 是谁的就还给谁  B 毁掉这两件