Developing a Writing Class

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  Writing is a paramount means by which learners can demonstrate their knowledge, as well as an instrument for organizing, sharing, and refine ideas about a specific matter, and studies have shown that writing is also the most difficult skill to master. However, many EFL learners do not aware of the importance of cultivating intentional writing ability and do not have enough appropriate language learning strategies in writing. Even if learners have knowledge of writing strategies they often do not make good use of what they have learnt. According to Graham and Harris (2005), students can succeed in enhancing writing performance when they are supported by explicit and systematic instruction, so it is crucial for teachers to provide learners with cognitive instruction of writing strategies and guide them on the implementation of these skills into practical writing.
  Developing writing strategy could focus on three dimensions, linguistic level such as grammatical and lexical enhancement, ideational level which refers to develop mental models and textual level, for example, how to cohere with writing ideaslogically and make paragraph in well-organized structure. According to an investigation, Deane and Gopee (2013) shows that effective writing instruction should be multidimensional, which means teacher should balance the linguistic skills and planning strategies in writing class. A good written plan built in advance, provides a strong support for the development of whole writing task. However, learners rarely plan in advance of writing and tend to minimize the amount of time and steps of planning. As a result, many learners, especially higher level group who is not struggling with linguistic knowledge, find they have difficulties on generate ideas and organize structure logically. Except planning, modeling is also play an important role in assisting learners to manage writing performance successfully, which relates teachers to model the writing process to learners that could include how to give an initial overview of a topic/problem, provide supported information. Modeling could be viewed as dealing with macro-structure and is a way of assistance to students’ combination of thinking and writing procedure.
  In order to improve the students’ writing performance on these aspects, three writing lessons that are closely relevant are designed to train students more proficient in developing ideas and constructing well-organized text with cognitive writing strategy. The writing topic is ‘Attitudes toward studying abroad’. Lesson one is functioned to introduce writing topic, genre and its text structure by analysis a sample expository text——‘Effects of entering a University’. And then it is followed by topic discussion aimed at promoting learners’ motivation which is an essential element of successful language acquisition (Dornyei, 2001), facilitating students to generate ideas by conducting brainstorming and scaffolding learners with set questions. In the second lesson, the teacher models the entire writing process by showing students explicit writing strategies, involving the stage of planning, organizing structure, and constructing sentences and paraphrases into text. In lesson three, students begin independent writing practice and develop self-regulation which requires learners to use self-check list to do reflection as it could affect learners’ future learning behaviours, performance and the habit of the formulation of new ideas.   Lesson one is divided into two parts. The first part is to introduce basic writing information to learners including genre of the text and text structure. Genre knowledge for L2 intermediate level writing learners is important as it closely links the macro-skills with micro-units, such as text structure and functions, patterns of organization and purpose of text, etc. The second part aims at motivating learners writing interest to the topic and training them how to generate ideas for the whole text. Two activities are employed that are braining storm and group discussion. According to Manchon’s (2011) pre-writing activity suggestion, the chief method of preparing students for writing is to formulate content generation task that usually contains as brainstorming, which results in a list of topic-related ideas. In the process of brain storm, students would activate personal life experience and refresh restored knowledge in result of assisting learners’ building authentic context in class. In addition, underlying thinking process may motivate learners to be more interested in the topic in result of improving the quality of writing performance.
  In Lesson two, the teacher models writing process which could support students with a visible and concrete model of how to implement strategies. The term ‘modeling’ encompasses presentation of cognitive processes by the teacher, analyzing of completed text products or performances. There are three types of modeling, text model, cognitive modeling and social modeling. Text model refers to the analysis of finished text or structure pattern; cognitive model relates to demonstrations by the teacher of skilled composing process; social model requires students work collaboratively to construct a text by small group or as a whole class under the assistance of the teacher. These three models can be selected to use separately according to teaching style of teachers or students’needs. Also, it can be used as integrate, especially in genre-based approach writing class.
  Specifically speaking, in lesson two, modeling part includes two stages, planning and organizing structure. Planning puts at the first step as it plays a key role in strategy instruction in writing and a good planning has a powerful and strong effect on writing performance as well as other positive influences on strategic knowledge and motivation. In planning part, the teacher focuses on two goals. One is to identify the writing purpose, the other goal is to stimulate learners’ background knowledge relating to personal experience, which could review the information gathered in brainstorm process. It is as Donato (2000) suggests that it is wise for teacher to assist students by activating prior knowledge, eliciting, supporting and undertaking direct instruction to enhance writing skills.   Moving to the stage of organizing structure which playing the predominant role of developing text is a fundamental part in teaching academic writing strategies to students. The teacher can at first introduce the instruction of text structure. However, there is no very rigid requirement on format and structure because learners should be encouraged to be creative. Then, some words, phrases and sentences can be showed to the students. At last, In order to make sure that each student can make their ideas understandable and properly, peer-feedback is conducted in the next step. Two students work together could support strategy use, maintenance and generalization. In addition, students’ awareness of composing process could be promoted through ideas interaction with peers and learners could be more active in the recursive process of constructing expository text.
  Lesson three refers to practice writing and self-regulation which is as a useful strategy to reflect writing quality and to make sure the proficiency of using language. In the process of writing, the teacher needs to monitor and guide learners when it is necessary. However, the scaffolding to learners is increasingly faded during each instructional section in result of promoting mastery of learners’ writing strategies, so feedback and instructional supports could be individualized by the teacher so that they are responsive to learners’ needs. After independent learning, learners are asked to use self-check list to do self-evaluation of the text, reflecting on both content and organization. Self-regulation, such as self-evaluating, self-monitoring and self-instruction, etc, can assist learners to manage writing strategy as well as to obtain specific and visible evidence of their improvement. In addition, self-regulation is regarded as a writing strategy that could improve writing performance and Karen R. Harris and Steve Graham develop it further as SRSD model (self-regulated strategy development). Through self-check list, learners can rethink the text in two manifests, the achievement of the text purpose and text structure, which are essential elements for a successful expository text.
  Learning to write is a complicated process as it requires high level cognitive processing and metacognitive skills. The cognitive writing strategy can be developed in classroom teaching with assistance of various kinds of writing courses where the teachers are acting as the predominant role. Three lessons are designed to develop learners’ ability of generating ideas through brainstorming, to raise awareness of constructing text structure by using sample text, to show explicit writing strategy through modeling process and to develop self-regulation by employing self-check list. From the perspective of the whole class, more emphasis is on the writing process instead of product, though the product is what going to be judged on. However, the way to get product is a process which is usually neglected in teaching class. Through instruction strategy guiding, teachers could successfully assist students to bridge the gap between thoughts and practical implementation. Further, there are also some improvements need to be done when refers to three lessons, such as increase one or two lessons which could involving guided practice, in result of scaffolding learners with more repeated practices to develop fluency before independent writing, and revising and editing part could be enforced and detailed on text organization, cohesion development and creation of innovation.
【摘要】词汇附带习得已被证实为二语学者扩大量的重要途径之一。近来更多的研究开始探影响二语阅读中学习者、篇词汇等各层面因素对附带习得的影响,但缺乏对高中阶段英语学者的研究。故本研究旨在探究语篇因素(如话题熟悉度和文学类型)如何影响词汇的习得和保留。研究发现熟悉主题的阅读比不熟悉的主题对学生的词汇附带习得有更好的促进作用。说明文阅读也比议论文阅读对词汇附带习得的作用稍好。  【关键词】词汇附带习得;语
【摘要】大学生逃课在大学生群体中广泛存在,而管理者相对缺乏有效应对措施。本文从学校管理者、教师、学生三方面分析大学生逃课的原因,并在加强大学生思想教育、提升教师教学艺术、规范学校教学管理三方面提出一系列具体对策。  【关键词】大学生;逃课;原因分析;对策  【Abstrct】Students skipping widespread in the student population which,
【摘要】大学英语改革着力点在于培养复合型人才以满足我国在国际交流与合作中对人才的需求。既掌握英语语言又有英语语言之外专业能力的人才市场需求量巨大。然而面临ESP改革的大趋势,大学的反应各不相同。因为不同高校面对不同的校情,学情,在施行ESP的过程中总会出现不同的问题和相对应的策略,这也是本文即将探讨的问题。  【关键词】ESP;问题;策略  【作者简介】于霄(1980- ),女,汉族,吉林长春人,
【摘要】改革开放之后,我国教育事业呈现出明显的国际化趋势。小学教育的是国民教育教学的初级阶段。是学生的学习方法,学习习惯养成关键性阶段,这一阶段的英语教学不仅仅要使学生获得语言知识,更重要的是培养和加强核心素养。本文针对五年级英语核心素养研究现状进行分析,找出关键问题所在并提出相应的对策和解决措施,以期对小学英语教学中核心素养教育提供一定的借鉴意义。  【关键词】英语教学;核心素养;研究  【作者
【摘要】信息化和网络化时代背景下,基于新理念、新技术应用的课堂教学模式不断翻新。翻转课堂真正突出学生的主体地位,培养学生的英语思维、综合交际能力和阅读表达能力,英语教学需要在继承传统模式的基础上,不断学习和借鉴,精心组织和引导,构建更加高效的英语课堂模式,培养全面发展的高素质人才。  【关键词】大学英语;翻转课堂;应用  【作者简介】仇迪,湖北武汉文华学院。  信息化和网络化时代背景下,教育技术应
【摘要】本文从文化视角的角度解析在英语阅读中普及文化背景的意义,并指出培养学生的英语思维和加强文化现象积累的手段,以提高学生的跨文化意识。  【关键词】文化视角;高中英语阅读  【作者简介】张红燕,贵州省都匀一中。  【基金项目】本文是2015年贵州省教育科学规划一般课题“跨文化视角下民族地区高中英语阅读教学实践研究”的阶段性研究成果(课题编号:2015B130)。  英语是一门语言学科,也是一个
【摘要】在高考中,听力部分应该是全卷相对来说最容易拿到分的部分了,所以,我们要引导学生掌握科学的训练技巧,放松心情,超前预测,整体把握,让大多数学生不仅收获高分,而且为他们进入大学的学习培养良好的方法。  【关键词】高考听力;训练技巧;预测  【作者简介】王云霞,江苏省江阴市山观高级中学。  一、放松心情,轻松上阵  做听力题时要注意心态平和,不要急躁。很多同学考试的时候过度紧张,一道题没有听出来
【摘要】英语名著阅读是提高学生阅读能力和科学素养的绝佳教材。积极开展名著阅读活动,能够激发学生对英语阅读学习的兴趣,开拓学生的眼界,丰富学生的知识。本文主要分析了开展初中英语名著阅读活动的重要意义,阐述了开展初中英语名著阅读活动的注意事项,最后探究了开展初中英语名著阅读活动的有效路径,让学生感受到名著阅读的快乐,增长学生的知识。  【关键词】初中;名著阅读;活动;快乐  【作者简介】罗莉琴(197
【摘要】随着“一带一路”的稳步推进,高素质的复合型外语人才的需求变得日益迫切,高校应根据“一带一路”的人才需求,调整人才培养目标,创新人才培养思路,优化课程设置,提升教师的素养,从而探索出新的人才培养模式,以提高学生的专业综合能力。  【关键词】“一带一路”;外语;人才培养  【作者简介】彭美娟,刘志强,江西师范高等专科学校。  一、引言  隨着改革的不断深入以及国家的重要发展战略“一带一路”的稳